tariqradio101.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq talks about the ways people enable dusty behavior.
10/14/2015 02:57:49 pm
Dustiness is at an all time high. We know some, hell we have some in our family but it is not an excuse for fudgery. Tariq, the sooner we realize our potential as sellers as well as consumers, the better. That is why I love your show as well as the Zo Williams show as you both starts your show advertising black business.
Ennis a williams
10/14/2015 04:58:35 pm
Tariq Nasheed is an Uncle Tom. he said Racism is over and that white people treats him Great. LOL
10/15/2015 06:30:22 am
Stfu. You wasting time hating when you could be doing something productive. Get your broke dusty ass off this dude page with that hatin' shit.
The Black Joke
10/14/2015 03:38:49 pm
Chinese can't even convince their powerful nation to buy Chinese products. What makes you think dusty blacks can? GTFOH!!
Hermon Ellis
10/14/2015 06:33:10 pm
10/14/2015 09:27:48 pm
I called 'one time on whyt dude trying to strike up conversation with a little Hispanic boy around 10yrs old everytime this boys mama left the room in a laundromat at near closing time. I told them he was trying to molest the child. I called as I pulled off the lot, before my stoplight turned green 2 police cars pulled up. lol!
Hors Sfier
10/15/2015 09:52:34 am
The Chinese market is one of the most innovative out there.
Mr. Jon
10/16/2015 03:28:33 pm
You're lucky. Tbh, I feel guilty that I don't buy "black" enough, but we are simply not creating enough businesses. I know how systematic white supremacy makes it hard for black entrepreneurs to get on their feet, but I still expect to see a lot more.
Hors Sfier
10/16/2015 06:58:43 pm
One of my home girls, who is biracial by the way ;-) has already put out a clothing line made of quality material. I am buying some of her gear for my female relatives. I know a lot of black videographers, photographers, film editors etc. They are my first stop for media services. Over time I hope we have an ecosystems of creatives for print and visual media.
10/20/2015 06:38:22 am
When you consider how much we spend on things like 4th of July, Halloween, Christmas etc. if we stopped wasting money on things like that we could collectively start our own businesses while causing a blow to the dominant society. We don't need any of these holidays and the sacrifice will pay off.
Hor Sfier
10/20/2015 11:25:50 am
10/21/2015 06:16:19 am
Exactly. People will waste hundreds if not thousands every year on crap that's gonna be out of style in a few months. I keep my fashion simple and use the rest to pay bills and help me work to build my business up. I have an uncle who's a multi-millionarie and the only nice stuff he wears is for clients. Everything else is TJ Max! People need to learn that
Roger Cresmont
10/15/2015 03:37:01 pm
You can tell Tariq is just angry and making shit up on the spot this episode. Half the time I know Tariq is just talking to hear himself, but I let him get away with it cause he makes interesting points.
10/16/2015 03:25:05 am
Such as?
10/17/2015 09:02:44 pm
You gotta love when people come onto this site, say the entire argument of Tariq is bullshit, and don't post a SINGLE point of what they disagreed with. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you don't own or control anything or have any plan to do so in the future huh?
10/25/2015 06:37:45 pm
LOL... Are you the dude on the left or right?
10/16/2015 05:46:22 am
My dream was to move to America because I no longer want be at the bottom. People tell me that Blacks are at the bottom, that's why I moved my family here. I would not come if Black people are not so poor. It's a great country.
10/17/2015 08:13:14 pm
No, you"re still at the bottom. You're just a troll with a different address. See, this is why we need to ban people. You never see other groups let outsiders come onto their website and blatantly troll and then not get banned. When it comes to handling our business you either need to be with OUR program or you'll get kicked out. That's it.
10/18/2015 11:52:40 am
I can relate.
Space dreams
10/19/2015 11:25:21 am
Who will be the first person to rap or play music in outer space?
10/24/2015 08:03:04 am
Once again, this is why we need to ban people. This is just sad.
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