tariqradio41.mp3 |
8/13/2014 07:44:48 am
The fact that the police department won't release the officers name speaks volumes. They claim he's being threatened, which he should be. And you mean to tell me not one black person in that town doesn't know this spineless sackless assholes name and hasn't posted it on some type of social media outlet? ACLU just filed a Sunshine Law request which stipulates that records of public government bodies be made open to the public. The citizens of Ferguson pay this assholes salary, they have every right to know who the fuck he is.
8/17/2014 03:42:52 am
Brotha Tariq, use your voice for something greater. You got young brotha's and sista's attention. Create a video where it focuses on the positives, and what could be done. Focus on accountability. Let's not blame white people, that's childish. Research what we as a people have been doing wrong, and why we were put in a situation. Each video you make, creates the idea that they are superior to us. You even say in the third movie "dominant race" no one needs to hear that. A young five year old watches this, they will be born to the inferior conscious. Think brotha, you're educated. Use your voice for something greater. 1,000%. Think future
8/18/2014 08:25:21 am
I concur 100pc. Brutha just interested in conspiracy theorising, no real solutions. At best its nothing but whining all the time about supremacy etc. I as a listener don wana hear that shit. Some of the stuff tariq talks about is good for classroom counter arguments not real life situations. He is not any different to the people that post shit on YouTube talking about Michelle Obama is a man.
8/21/2016 03:37:58 am
LISTEN, EVERYBODY -- This WAS part of the phase to categorize Blacks on the bottom of the spectrum -- a global plan that includes Israel Defense Force training. This will be going on and escalating and people will need direction and practical options for building lives and perceptions, not just ideas http://thefreethoughtproject.com/u-s-police-routinely-travel-israel-learn-methods-brutality-repression/
Hors Sfier
8/13/2014 08:39:31 am
Excellent show. Now, are people still going to ask stupid questions about why race comes up so often? Do we still have to hear the idiotic "what about black on black crime?".
Legion Blake
8/14/2014 03:42:31 pm
Leave that too Anonymous to expose the killer cop name. They already hacked the Police station.
Phaddi Snaxx
8/15/2014 10:41:37 pm
Some links:
Diane Massey
8/13/2014 08:49:05 am
This is so Bold! But so True. Tariq is very Brave to just tell it like it is. Many people don't want to come to terms with what's happening. Alot of them probably felt like they more time to get their finances right and etc and they don't want to stir the pot with the DS. The fact of the matter is it is happening Now! And the BP who are serious about the Code of Conduct and Economic Base with one another need to get organized and get familiar with weapons,gardening, farming, building bunkers etc. and Stop depending on the DS for any of their services. If you have the money,you can get the resources shipped to you from overseas just like the DS does. My husband does it all the time. If that means you have to learn another language or stay up to 3 am to get in touch with someone in the UK or China so be it. We have the intelligence to make this happen. I know my husband is going to make sure our family will survive,I'm hoping alot of my brothers and sister will survive as well.
8/13/2014 09:20:04 am
Labor day is coming up an I wonder wut they. Got planned this time around
Very good point about how blacks are gonna behave at work. When Trayvon Martin was killed, I was teaching at an all white school. I still wore a hoodie and left Skittles and an Arizona Iced tea on my desk in honor of Trayvon. But here's the rub: No teacher at that school gave a damn that a CHILD was killed. I thought y'all were advocates for children?
Mr. Jon
8/13/2014 09:57:02 am
Unless white people put a racial adjective in front of someone... they are referring to white people.
Mr. Jon
8/13/2014 09:55:12 am
I agree with you that this is planned, I actually think this is a part of a bigger picture...
Hors Sfier
8/13/2014 01:49:54 pm
You bring up great points. This board is turning into a good place to exchange ideas.
Mr. Jon
8/13/2014 02:39:14 pm
"You bring up great points. This board is turning into a good place to exchange ideas."
Hors Sfier
8/13/2014 09:27:08 pm
"That's why I don't really care much for white liberals. "
Mr. Jon
8/13/2014 10:11:00 am
Hors Sfier
8/13/2014 02:11:50 pm
Asians have been practicing group economics since they arrived in the US to help build out the railroads. They came with a known history, a culture and most importantly, a language that almost no white man spoke or understood. That history meant the white man could never tell an Asian child he came from nothing.
Mr. Jon
8/13/2014 02:51:39 pm
I feel as though the other points you made reinforced my argument.
8/13/2014 11:50:59 am
8/13/2014 11:56:01 am
8/13/2014 11:56:47 am
And not a single word...not one from our elected president. Obama is about as useful as a pair of tits on a man...
Hors Sfier
8/13/2014 01:17:23 pm
Nah homie... It does not work that way. I had 3 expectations for Obama
8/13/2014 12:35:50 pm
The black people in Ferguson and all over should take their protest into the upcoming holidays including Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and cripple this damn economy by not buying a turkey, toy and Christmas gifts or anything else till we can get answers, actions, and some real damn dialogue going.
Hors Sfier
8/13/2014 01:51:13 pm
I like that idea. Black people should boycott buying any gifts during the Christmas season.
8/27/2014 08:30:52 am
I've been saying this for years but nobody wants to sacrifice. "but....but people will lose their jobs if we boycott!"
8/13/2014 03:42:01 pm
We are going to have to boycott a lot more than a few holidays in order to make an impact. If we are going to do something we need to be consistent with our efforts otherwise whats the use. The dominant society has enough people to make up for the loss of a few black dollars.
Mr. Jon
8/13/2014 03:59:21 pm
This is only my opinion, but I don't know how effective boycotts are anymore...
8/27/2014 08:37:12 am
Nobody wants to sacrifice their cell phones, Jordans, fast food or any other things we heavily support.
8/13/2014 04:58:07 pm
@Mr. Jon, I feel you bro but we're damned if we do damned if we dont. Honestly what do we really have to lose at this point.....
Mr. Jon
8/14/2014 05:15:35 am
Hey, I don't care if I'm 1 person out of a billion not supporting a company... it's THAT much money they aren't going to get.
8/13/2014 09:04:32 pm
Not to get off topic, but did anyone see those "Dear White People" clips and trailer for the movie coming out on youtube? It looks like some slick bullshit for white entertainment with a whole plethora of coonery. It's suppose to be in theaters in mid-October, but given the title, it sounds suspect.
N the Middle of the huSTLe
8/13/2014 10:00:27 pm
Fam im n the LOU I just woke up an watched the news. They showed a white dude who was involved in a hit n run THIS MORNING who ran from the copz 1st in the car then on foot. He was eventually TASED by the cops. Then they (the news) showed a white guy n Ferguson walking around with a GUN getting arrested EVER SO GENTLY WITH NO FORCE. That's fuc'd up juxtaposed to Mike Browns' situation.
8/14/2014 11:14:44 am
If you can, supply a link
Phaddi Snaxx
8/15/2014 10:12:11 pm
"N the Middle of the huSTLe" is white supremacist troll
8/14/2014 02:31:34 am
8/14/2014 02:33:58 am
Yes, this is one the most important episodes you've done Tariq.
8/14/2014 02:40:11 am
If no justice (which it probably wont be) is given for the murder of Michael Brown I order all blacks in the state of Missouri to boycott all Rams and Cardinals games as well as all other collegiate sports. Its a small step that may become a big deal. It would be even better if all black players do a walkout.
8/27/2014 08:44:29 am
When you see those games on tv, how many black faces do you see? Not many, if any at all. We don't have the money for game tickets and concessions!
Mr. Jon
8/14/2014 05:13:19 am
8/14/2014 09:23:44 am
Can I share this?
Yall Some Scared NIGGAZ TOO!!!!!!!!!!
8/14/2014 11:41:31 am
Hors Sfier
8/14/2014 12:05:46 pm
@Yall Some Scared NIGGAZ TOO
Phaddi Snaxx
8/15/2014 10:09:34 pm
"@Yall Some Scared NIGGAZ TOO" is that same troll that said last week he wasn't listening to anymore of Tariq's show. Bum ass negro with his deflections
Were Tariq @? I C UR Tru Colors!
8/14/2014 12:01:57 pm
Im in Ferguson right now. Come thru Tariq and Articulate that White Supremacy ISM. The world would be your stage now. Im looking @CNN n MSNBC trucks right now. Think about how many more HCz u could promote/sell. U could get some GREAT B roll footage for the next HC lol.
Hors Sfier
8/14/2014 03:10:40 pm
You write like that fool on the other posts who was afraid of the letter 'b'. Negrito, is that you?!?
Phaddi Snaxx
8/15/2014 10:15:18 pm
It is him, and these other trolling posts are his too. Bitch ass had the nerve to say he didn't watch any of the Hidden Colors but says Tariq hasn't talked about any solutions.
8/14/2014 12:29:42 pm
Something needs to happen and soon. I’m a black guy in London, and it seems like every week I hear about a similar incident happening state side. The cops just picking off random blacks for no reason, and unfortunately, it’s always the same response. A bit of uproar for the local community for a few weeks, then a court case happens a little while later, then the situation dies down, then it’s almost forgotten about. The government know shit isn’t going to happen, so they’ll continue to do what they want to, and YOU’ll ROLL OVER AND ACCEPT IT. Don’t wait for your sports and entertainers to do anything. They have too much too lose, don’t see themselves on your level anymore due to their riches, and selfishness and bowing down to the man is more than likely what got them to where they are anyway, so you’re wasting your time waiting for them to do anything. Having said that, what’s going on with your local population, who can group together for a common cause and actually make these people think with the money and collective force they possess? Whats going on with your gang bangers, claiming this set and another? Killing each other over turf wars and twitter beefs, when it’s blatantly obvious who the real enemy is? If you’re not going to do something, then maybe you should just get the fuck out of the country. Life’s sweeter in other places, and that’ll hit them where it hurts the most, their pocket. The bastards don’t want you there anyway . You’ll never be seen as being on the same level as them, so why try to be accepted by someone who hates your guts?
Hors Sfier
8/19/2014 08:18:29 am
You know something was strange about your comment but it didn't click until today. Interesting point about London.
8/15/2014 03:52:24 am
I keep hearing white folks complain about the rioting. Whether it's wrong or right at least black folks riot for a reason, usually justice. White folks riot and tear up shit after a ball game or hockey game.
8/27/2014 08:52:30 am
We've been marching and begging for jobs and justice for the last 50 years.
Mr. Jon
8/15/2014 11:04:28 am
8/16/2014 12:38:46 pm
Once African people around the world are on equal footing with everyone else, then the human race can move on to a system similar to what the The Venus Project proposes.
8/16/2014 02:08:44 pm
When ambitious non-blacks, especially whites, see black people do something great, they look at you as if a monkey performed a magic trick that they can exploit and bring to the human world. racial harmony ever exist?
Hors Sfier
8/19/2014 08:12:19 am
8/19/2014 04:10:42 pm
Get the fuck out of AMERICA. Why the hell do you stay and try and change a beast which was formed in its inception upon the broken backs of your mother's and fathers? NOTHING WILL EVER CHANGE THERE.
Hors Sfier
8/20/2014 05:55:20 am
Leave America and go where my friend?
8/20/2014 06:20:40 pm
Bro, the cold REALITY is that when the black population of America HAD a code which produced general cohesiveness AND an economic base, they were literally BOMBED out of existence, just for the fact that they then posed a genuine threat.
We the people
8/20/2014 02:15:52 am
My nephew doesn't have internet but as soon as he arrived at grandma's house, he hopped online and started watching HOOD PRANK videos this summer.
8/27/2014 02:04:26 pm
Reignfromlondon is not lying. He is on point. Even Farrakhan and the NOI is trying to leave and I know many don't agree with him but that does not diminish the message. Many of you are educated and have skills which is required in many of these countries. You have to bring something to the table and I would like to see a mass exodus of productive people taking their tax dollars to some place where we're appreciated.
8/29/2014 05:50:04 am
I didn't have anywhere else to put this but it's got to be seen. Some may have seen it on facebook but for others this is a MUST SEE!
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