tariqradio58.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq talks about doing lectures in Amsterdam and the importance of reaching out to people internationally. ![]()
Elmer Lee
12/11/2014 12:01:36 pm
2 little crackheads sitting in a tree!
12/11/2014 01:07:59 pm
You are right Tariq they cast Exodus to make it seem like blacks have never been royalty. They want us to think we are nothing now and we have never been anything great. Its sick how evil and racist all of this is in Hollywood, the news and every avenue communication to basically keep blacks mentally in slavery. You hear Charles Barkley and realize only a man who is enslaved mentally can sound that dumb about the black experience in America. Even the poor members of Barkley's family have come forward to agree with his views so its not about being rich and losing touch with reality, you can be a mental slave if you are rich or poor in this country. Religion really is helping keep blacks in mental slavery. They have convinced us that we will get our riches once we are dead so don't complain right now. That is a great hustle to have where only dead people can prove if you are right or not. A child molester just won 3 million in the lottery in Florida but the same people want to tell us God is only blessing good people. If these billionaires are going to the same Heaven and the struggling people living check to check how does that make any sense to anybody. They get blessing on earth and Heaven. Keep fighting the good fight Tariq allover the world.
12/11/2014 02:35:19 pm
What do you expect from HollyJew.
12/14/2014 12:47:25 am
hello black folks give over 500 million dollars to tax exempt churches yet the plight of black folks remains unchanged. Like i said political and religious fervor is like a ferrari with no gas. its pretty to look at but it aint going nowhere.
Jake P.
12/23/2014 06:22:26 am
The bottom line is most churches are 501C3 so the pastors can't really talk about anything that would change the plight of black folks, like racial politics and economics or else they would lose their benefits... Sometimes when you go to church, you will see the AGENTS in there taking notes to make sure that nothing important is being talked about.
Hors Sfier
12/11/2014 01:48:53 pm
Far be it for me to tell another man how to run his podcast but I wish Tariq would get a screener for the calls.
12/11/2014 07:41:03 pm
Tariq, I really want the Mackish Package! 2 problems tho. 1-My shoe size is a 13 and 2.I live in Tokyo. Do you have any 13's left in stock and do you ship abroad?
12/11/2014 09:25:27 pm
lol i dont understand why some cats be so long winded when they call the show if they really listen to him they should already know that he hates that...
12/12/2014 08:18:20 am
25:40 very true. White folks in parts of the world where they barely see 2 Black people a year, still talk shit about us. Crazy.
Mr. Jon
12/12/2014 04:12:49 pm
Well yea...
12/13/2014 04:53:52 am
HAHAHA me too xD people would look at me like i had two heads. O_O
12/12/2014 10:29:21 am
All those SONY emails did was pull back the curtain on what we know happens anyway. We know they can't have a black on top of the marquee in a major Hollywood film (Denzel, and maybe Will Smith being the exceptions). But for the most part, if the part isn't specifically a black character, it'll go to a white star. This "Exodus" thing is a combination of racism and laziness. They could have found some men of color for the film, but it's just easier to find notable white actors to guarantee box office. Ridley Scott could have done the same, but it's easier to blame the financiers for THEIR racism, and say there was nothing he could do. Someone like Oded Fehr (who was in the "The Mummy,: "Resident Evil" films, and "Sleeper Cell") could have been cast. Tony Shalhoub is Middle Eastern. They could have found some light-skinned brothers. They could have had an ensemble cast and sold it. Their just lazy, and each level of the studio hierarchy blames the level above and below for being racist, so the buck keeps getting passed.
Mr. Jon
12/12/2014 04:07:23 pm
Hors Sfier
12/14/2014 02:12:49 am
Last weekend I was at a restaurant with my kin(showing solidarity), her white husband and their white friends. You know how white people like to say black people obsess about race? Man, these white people could not wait to remind us that we were black. It was weird. They were amazed that I knew who a particular rock group was. Like, how do you know the Grateful Dead...you're BLACK?!? Then they would bring up their black friend such and such. I am thinking WTF. Family, this went on for a minute. Were it not for my kin and our connection, I would never be around these people.
12/14/2014 02:46:03 am
I know EXACTLY what you mean fam.
12/14/2014 07:56:07 am
You're 100% on this. Whites can't wait to interject race into everything, then blame blacks for being race hucksters for calling it out. Whites are obsessed with blacks, and when you call them on it they'll respond that other groups do the same, so somehow they're no different than anybody else (as a way of not owning up). They project their behavior on others to make themselves more comfortable. They'd never know what other groups do, because they don't immerse themselves in those worlds. They always interact with the occasional non-white within the comfort of their own world.
Mr. Jon
12/14/2014 08:06:49 am
I agree with you 100%
12/12/2014 11:05:57 pm
Tariq I think one of those crack heads was actually Cassondra from lipstick alley
12/13/2014 04:56:10 am
based on kevin hart's tweets, he's on that ''let's not get angry and hold hands'', and cupcaking with white folks, so they don't get mad at him. he needs to cut that crap out, and watch his back. hopefully these leaked emails will wake him the hell up
Mr. Jon
12/13/2014 06:56:45 am
I don't know how I feel about Kevin.
12/14/2014 02:50:01 am
That wasn't really kevin hart. It was a parody twitter. Kevin's handle is "@KevinHart4real" Watch for the white supremacists trying top slander our brother.
Mr. Jon
12/14/2014 08:08:42 am
Hors Sfier
12/14/2014 02:21:12 am
Kevin wore the dress. Forget taking the oath. Kevin wore the dress.
12/13/2014 10:48:57 am
Do ya agree with Samuel Jackson on calling out other celebrities?
Mr. Jon
12/14/2014 08:10:12 am
12/14/2014 01:33:16 pm
big ups tariq your a big inspiration glad for all of your success thanks for continuously dropping knowledge.
12/15/2014 09:29:05 pm
I'm glad you were able to reach out to Amsterdam to our fellow brothers and sisters. There are alot of racial issues that go on out there that alot of people within The Netherlands don't have a slightest clue about. Beautiful beautiful location and beautiful and down to earth people out that way. Thank you sir for reaching out there
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