tariqradio78.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq talks about racial division...
No Longer Guilty
5/6/2015 01:30:52 pm
I don't like melanoid people but this is one of your best shows yet. Fucking fire! King Geedorah on the mic!!
5/6/2015 07:12:48 pm
Hey No Longer Guilty Dude,
Dynamite Deebo
5/7/2015 11:38:27 pm
That "No Longer Guilty" white supremacist is making some sense though. I work at the U.S. Patent office. Do you know how tempted I am to just tell my friends and family about the failed ideas that get submitted every week?
5/12/2015 08:50:52 am
i wish tariq would go back to teaching some good relationship game.... i mean i c whats happening in the states and our ppl have to take a stand but tariq is a relationship expert so he should continue helping us fellas aswell in that field........
5/13/2015 03:19:54 am
then listen to his old podcast, what else does he need to inform you on your game ?? He has said it all, soak it up or leave. If you want personal advice, just call him up on his sunday's ustream show, he's still open to advice the fellas
5/14/2015 12:05:18 am
Duke-temz is right what more do you want him to say? Go listen to his old podcast or hell by his books and highlight them I own 4. The book are really all you need and self confidence. The only relationship game he needs to reflect on is the do's and don't for the up coming year because the games is always changing.
Hors Sfier
5/6/2015 02:21:12 pm
That John Henry Clarke video is on YouTube. I think the title is "You have no allies". He breaks it down cleanly. That lecture changed my life and how I deal with non-blacks. I never get comfortable with them.
phaddi snaxx
5/10/2015 06:39:13 am
Tariq mentioned Mike Tirico, and Tirico sho ain't white
5/6/2015 02:58:31 pm
Hors Sfier
5/6/2015 03:59:29 pm
With respect to black people entertaining for the cameras that is deep stuff. A while back Tariq said black people will do anything except for face the mass killer in front of them. We do almost everything else. White people are comfortable with us as entertainers. Anything else is confrontational.
phaddi snaxx
5/10/2015 06:49:58 am
I was going to link this in an entirely separate post, but I'd like to add it onto your comment. I read this "article" today in the Memphis Flyer weekly.
Hors Sfier
5/13/2015 02:10:54 pm
@phaddi snaxx
Phaddi Snaxx
5/13/2015 03:18:52 pm
That dude is a reporter for Fox news on Memphis:
R8sing A Nation
5/14/2015 12:03:35 am
The whole "what about black crime " is a way to deflect,deter, and a deny tactic all rolled into one.
5/6/2015 06:17:28 pm
I swear man these podcasts are like lifesavers, I be trying to tell my folks, yo these other races are not for us. I had an argument the other day with one of these brothers on that "12 tribe" bullshit. Tried telling me Asians and Hispanics are our brothers. My nigga I busted out in uncontrollable laughter. First off I actually live around Hispanics(Not Puerto Ricans and Domincans, they are actually worse because their African Blood is more evident, but the rest of the south America) and Asians. Asians will look at you with utter disdain and disrespect, to the point spit leaves their mouth to hit the ground. there is no Brotherly vibe going on. I'm not trying to cause friction, but I'm just telling my experience. And it hasn't been a pleasant one. I notice dudes who talk this 12 tribe everyone is our brother shit don't leave the hood.
5/7/2015 02:19:46 am
Be trying tell some of these brothers who are so in love with pawgs, they don't really care about you it's just sex. Clown ass guys.
Robert L Armstrong
5/28/2015 03:32:27 am
R8sing A Nation
5/7/2015 03:31:44 am
Enjoyed this show..I hate calling it a show because I feel it's more like news and public service announcements.
5/8/2015 12:13:36 pm
I agree with most of your sentiments. However, far too often, I see very young men fathering children who really don't want that role (for whatever reason) or not ready for that role but the decision was not theirs to make. Too many of our young women get the idea in their heads that the best way to keep a man is by having his baby and that is WRONG on so many levels.
R8sing A Nation
5/8/2015 03:05:21 pm
Hors Sfier
5/9/2015 01:35:43 am
Phaddi Snaxx
5/10/2015 11:26:44 am
It's an unpleasant cycle. Once the government and feminists said there was no need to choose a man who could be a good provider, the women chose a man to get pregnant by because they liked his swagger. The deadbeat dads of today had loose mothers who got pregnant by men who were known for their infidelity
Hors Sfier
5/9/2015 01:55:57 am
@R8sing A Nation
R8sing A Nation
5/8/2015 03:09:02 pm
Plz excuse my typos ..auto type..,
5/11/2015 11:01:55 am
Tariq is on point, I work with other ethnic groups in the post office, military and coporate america.Their was a reason the honorable elijah muhammad didn't alot foreigners in the Nation of islam, they would rear the organization in the wrong direction. Its true the so called american negro accept everyones culture, ethnicity, handicapped and so on.Other cultures and ethnic groups as a whole do not have the same courtesy. I've travelled all over the world. Sad but true.
Giovanni Rivers
5/24/2015 08:31:30 pm
Does anyone know the name of the 1st track he had playing in the background. Its was the very 1st song, sounded like 70s funk.
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