tariqradio116.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq talks about hoodrats.
1/27/2016 09:58:36 pm
Daaaaammmnnn!!!! What little animal came out of that as womb?
1/27/2016 11:41:15 pm
BTW, Nate Parker has a showpiece for a wife. There is your answer.
2/10/2020 09:06:21 pm
This is a drinking water tank that restricts any kind of body contact with the water, implying pitching in the water is not enabled when coast fishing
1/28/2016 07:33:41 am
He turned down Netflix offer because they wanted to do a Nat Turner series, but Nate Parker wants to keep it theatrical and put it on a big screen...not sure about the Byron Allen situation.
Hors Sfier
1/28/2016 08:17:45 am
Sundance: Why Nate Parker Chose Fox Searchlight Over Netflix for 'The Birth of a Nation'
1/28/2016 12:34:33 pm
They don't have sympathy for black men either
2/1/2016 04:08:17 pm
I hear you on this. What we need,though as black men,military strength.meaning guns.who controls this ? Not us unfortunately.too,too many of us ,especially the elders,bought into this integration nonsense back in the days and this is what led to our downfall. Whereas we did have certain parts of this country under lockdown,we bought into that nonviolence bullshit. The only things that our enemies know is money and violence. Also,i am not one of these brothers who will constantly bash our sisters.there are times though when i just cringe when i see a sister acting like a scared rabbit when acting out.a lot of brothers,too.we are all we got at this point.we have to stop this bashing nonsense.
2/3/2016 03:30:17 am
Women and hoodrats aren't in the same league. Tariq is referring to hoodrats.
Hors Sfier
1/28/2016 01:04:09 pm
That is some hard truth on the hatred for hoodrats. In my area, if a black woman is on the news, print or television, ninety nine percent of the time it is for some hoodrat antics and they are getting clowned by the anchors. For a while, the local news was running weave store robbery stories. It was a shame. A white woman has to kill her child to make the news here. Otherwise, the white women are portrayed as loving mothers. In 2014, I read a good article on a black businesswoman in our daily paper. I had to read it twice to believe they actually printed good news about black women.
2/3/2016 03:34:00 am
Where do you live bro? They need to do that nationwide.
1/28/2016 03:27:22 pm
Being a hoodrat is a state of mind and you can only be one if your mom or whoever raised you was one or you grew up in the hood and the environment made you think and act in a toxic manner. Black men have had everything under the sun said about them so theres nothing else to say. Hoodrat bitches and ratchets need to be exterminated. They have these babies with men who arent shit and expect society to have a woe is mentality torwards them. NO its your fault and your mothers or whoever raised you fault for not teaching you how to love yourself. Black women who no better still dont do better because again you didn't choose better and you not choosing better is due to the fact that you have no self worth. Black men as a whole do not care for their children that is a fact not the baby mama or the system or child support. If his father wasn't there than he wont go to great lengths to be there. Damaged women having babies with broken men 4 generations and counting. We are toxic to each other because we never healed from abuse by this country. Black men simply dont care on a grand scale to build a structure. We as women cannot do that its against our nature. Until the mentality changes between us and the cycle FINALLY stops the ghettos and projects will always be full of babies with no daddies and men who never had daddies. The ratio of black boys to girls is equal during adolescents but by the time black men are 21 the ratio is 1 black man for 7 women and that is by design.
1/30/2016 07:52:03 am
U damn right about that!. It ultimately comez down to mentality... And choice.
Black Kash
1/28/2016 05:48:32 pm
Grass is Greener
1/28/2016 07:24:22 pm
I'm glad nigger culture made the country forget about Elliot Rodgers. That guy almost ruined my senior year in high school. Suddenly, I was the guy who looked like Elliot Rodgers. keep on niggin!
1/29/2016 07:21:46 pm
You are a white nigger,grass is greener. Now what?
Mr. Jon
1/29/2016 02:23:56 pm
Hors Sfier
1/29/2016 04:20:54 pm
"so I'm a bit surprised that he encouraged ol' girl to make a ghetto fool out of herself."
Mr. Jon
1/29/2016 02:48:29 pm
Also, I think it's good that the day of the hoodrat is over. Isn't all of these "handouts" the reason the black family unit was destroyed in the first place?
1/30/2016 03:41:42 am
Really Tariq? I respect everyones opinion but you sound ridiculous. You really should have left this subject alone. Hoodrats should keep their legs closed? Everyone, regardless of their economic status, has a right to reproduce. For every hoodrat there is a dusty nigga. Many of these hoodrats dont have the resources to move out of the hood to an area where there are better options, dating wise. If she is pretty, she might get lucky and catch a baller who will get her out of the hood. But for a hoodrat who looks like Precious, dusty niggas are her only options. Lets just be real here. By saying hoodrats should just stop having kids Tariq is being intellectually dishonest. Its not that simple and he knows that.
1/30/2016 06:43:46 am
Naw, sorry, not buying it. Yours is a rationalization for irresponsible behavior. Planned Parenthood and too many clinics offer and provide all kinds of contraceptives. There is no excuse other than thinking a baby is going to keep a man, which is patently false. People talk about brothers not being responsible parents when most aren't ready to be parents in the first place but hood rats don't care what the brother thinks, what he wants doesn't seem to matter and so begins the cycle of resentment and poverty.
1/31/2016 07:23:20 am
You have a right not to reproduce with hoodrats or dusty niggas. There is a top for every pot.
1/31/2016 07:26:58 am
Also, in general, there exists women at all income levels who have children just to keep a man. Depending on the mentality of the female in question, depends on the mentality of the male they choose to cohabitate with.
Mr. Jon
1/30/2016 08:18:31 am
Looks like we have a hit dog hollerin'!
1/30/2016 07:58:50 am
I wish we were able to get passed all theze bullshit cliquez and dumb argumentz, and get on code az 1, period! But it goez back to the tribal warz. Even when we got stole from Africa and was on them boatz together, we still couldn't get along!! Smh nothing will change az a whole for black ppl
Hors Sfier
1/30/2016 08:49:42 am
Hmmmm. I suspect we got some white people in here trying to pose as blacks. White trolls always overdo it.
Mr. Jon
1/31/2016 04:30:37 am
@Hors Sfier
Mr. Jon
1/31/2016 04:32:01 am
*late 70's
Hors Sfier
2/1/2016 04:27:37 pm
Man, I grew up in the inner city with my family. Almost all of the kids in my generation(siblings, cousins, etc) came from urban areas. None of us spoke in slang all of the time. We threw in a word or a phrase here and there. Otherwise, we spoke english same as anyone else.
2/1/2016 04:13:52 pm
Yes,this is their nature.they can't help but be nosy interlopers.
Hors Sfier
2/1/2016 04:31:46 pm
Yup, they stay paranoid about that wheel of justice turning back around on them.
1/30/2016 09:08:02 am
Anyone knows the name of the song in the beginning of the podcast?
1/30/2016 12:41:35 pm
@Mr. Jon
Mr. Jon
1/31/2016 04:24:33 am
" A women can be in a relationship for years, have a child and now the man has moved on with no contact. Whether the child is concieved in wedlock or not, there is always the chance of single motherhood if the union dissolves. Men like you and Tariq seem to think single motherhood is always the result of women being sexually loose. How many lies will you tell to excuse bad behavior? "
1/30/2016 05:34:38 pm
Black women make too may excuses for reckless reproducing.
The Lord gave a direct message to Sister Gwendolen Rix revealing the truth behind the Walmart company and its founder Sam Walton. Many people have discovered the truth on what the global elite plan to do with the Walmart's as they will use them for local chip processing centers to control the masses. At least one Walmart is near every American city, what better place than a Walmart to turn into a fema camp and get the masses chipped! The great tribulation is very close. It is wise to seek the Lord and repent daily! THEY WILL KILL
2/1/2016 04:17:39 pm
Please leave the religious fanaticism out of the discussion.too much of that has screwed most of us up as it is.
1/31/2016 12:02:54 pm
1/31/2016 12:05:14 pm
11. Jekyll & Hyde Personality. A single mother will be the sweetest thing when a man first dates her, but a few months into a relationship she turns into a NUTJOB. A man will usually see glimpses of this when she chastises her kids when he first meets them. During that meeting she’ll yell at them and bully them to get them to act right while praising a man like he’s an angel.
Jeffrey Whitaker
2/1/2016 02:44:15 pm
Yoooooo SkyChopper you took the words RIGHT OUTTA MY MOUTH. It was like you were reading my MIND! Just one thing to add to your theory...I think that not only REAL MEN, but also REAL MEN THAT DON'T HAVE KIDS OF THEIR OWN. Damn man Is it OK if I copy and paste this on my FB page? because I'm diggin your theory, well laid out. in Fresno we have TONS of what I call SMS..Single Mother SLUTS! And they all seem to suffer from what I call the High and Mighty Single Mother Syndrome which is EXACTLY what you stated!!!!
2/1/2016 04:29:11 pm
Damn!!!! You broke it down to fucking tee!!! Went thru 2 situations like what you talked about back in 2007 and 2010 with two different females.learned from both of those situations not to get emotionally caught up with single mothers again. Once again,excellent analysis.
2/1/2016 04:21:27 pm
Real talk!!!!
Purnell Jenkins
2/1/2016 01:10:55 am
That was very deep insightful and you broke it down to a science where the blind can really understand the mindset of a single mother........i used the same ideologies as you displayed when it came to dating single mothers....a man is not going to win that war with all the stuff she has brought to the table. If you blog please let me know
2/1/2016 08:52:32 pm
I take no credit for that post. It's a copy and paste from MTO.
Hors Sfier
2/3/2016 09:33:07 am
To be clear, I don't really have a problem with black women who were born in jacked up situations and never had a chance to see something different. Growing up in the hood or the projects does not automatically translate to a hoodrat or goon. It is what you do with your options that will tell me what you really are.
R8sing A Nation
2/3/2016 10:54:27 am
@BoomerGal is very correct by saying there are far to many options in ways to prevent pregnancy. As harsh as it may sound the women of China found a way as well Russian women. For the record I know about how women were aborting like crazy ,casting children aside and now they have population issues. I'm just pointing out that it is humanly possible lay up and not produce offspring. I do get that for every Hoodrat there is a dusty dude . But how about women start being women and requiring more of the men we lay up with. I'm not talking about cash etc.. In all honesty the power of the V is strong to a man. So if a dude is trying to hit and he's dusty.. lightweight curb him and help elevate him out of some of his dustyness! Get to know a mofo set up some standards..such as if I allow you to raw dog me and I get pregnant at the least you need to be apart of any offspring we create. If he isn't down than he keep it pushing or if he does not take care of any other children keep it moving. Women want to front like they got no control and find themselves pregnant and alone. I call b.s. I've heard chicks talk about they got "baby fever" but are single and in no time are pregnant. Women get pregnant by low budget dudes and then curb them..only to shame the man for being dusty and play the "poor me game". Sorry ladies but it's your fault for letting a dusty dude knock you up...elevate your standards or like I said before help elevate the guy. Women got to stop with a mans value is only his check. Money is crucial to raising kids but I've known many of men that stay home and take care of the kids. In other cultures these days it's consideted hip and great. But it black society it's frowned at. Fathers have a lot to offer kids in the forms of protection,love, and self esteem. So if a women can make more and the brother is out of work allow that man to be a daily part of the childs life. Women are so quick to cut access to a child based on the financial situation of the father. I see a lot more of that ..than dudes just knocking a girl up and dipping out. A common misconception is that hoodrats are not smart and I want to believe they have enough sense to require more of their sexual partners. If hoodrats elevate their game then so shall dusty dudes. Women stop acting like we got no pussy control or power..be smart about it.
Hors Sfier
2/3/2016 10:22:03 pm
@R8sing A Nation
Young Simba
2/6/2016 02:40:07 am
Bad news if Fox...666 channel got a hold of it. You already know how they operate with Fox news and there productions. Not a good move...they might have threatened his family and said you better take this 17 million nigga. Respect for the brother getting his goals accomplished and making moves but I agree that he should have went with a all black project...but like I said they at Fox, probably threatened him to take their lower offer. But only time will tell. Black people we have power through unity...follow this brother's move and make positive moves. But as you see the WS's and we know very well that's what Fox is all about...threw this brother some change and he went with it. They have to put their claws in our work so we need to go completely independent regardless of the backlash...there is power in unity. There are the progressive and the destructive...know which one you are dealing with.
Young Simba
2/6/2016 03:11:06 am
Also peep game!!! Tariq is dropping knowledge when he is talking about concentrations camps!! EVERYONE GO LOOK UP FEMA CAMPS ON YOUTUBE...THE SHIT IS REAL. WHO WAS SENT IN FOR HURRICANE KATRINA...FEMA. SOMETHING IS BEING PLANNED AND YOU WON'T SEE IT ON THE NEWS. I see some terrible things planned for the next few years...and Donald Trump, a leading presidential candidate is blatant with his racist views and arrogance, but get this MANY OF THEM FEEL THE SAME WAY THEY ARE JUST USING HIS ASS AS THEIR VOICEBOX WHETHER HE WINS OR NOT...this stuff was all predicted in Revelations...but I'm going far for many of you won't understand because you haven't gotten right with God. That's the most important move. Je'sus spoke to save the lost children of Israel...Je'sus wasn't the white image you see in the media. Lambs wool hair and dark skin...brass colored...don't be fooled and know your salvation from the sins of this world because it's gonna get really wild in the next few years. We live in this world but we will all die and have to face judgement. Realest talk.
Young Simba
2/6/2016 03:40:23 am
I see you Tariq. That was a good freestyle, we black people and man in general, really are made in God's image, as it says in the Bible. Look at all the amazing things we black people do...but again I'm just focusing on us blacks at the moment because there are too many that try to lord over us in the "dominant" society that try to disempower black people because they fear our power, what we can do when we know who we are. All men do great things because we are all God's children...we just look different and speak different because again...as it states in the bible...we were scattered and our languages confused after trying to ignorantly war with our Father...read about the tower of Babel...and compare that to what crazy men are doing with that machine Cern...trying to make black holes on earth and bring about DARK energy...real shit. Praying to a goddess of destruction...REAL SHIT. Research it. But I digress, being isolated in different environments evolved our physical features over time...along with forcing us to develop different cultures and languages. Tariq may have been trying to joke with that incredibly creative freestyle but that was real talk. Be humble and give praise to the most High God, our father in heaven, your creator, study the bible and Je'sus' teachings, if you choose, God gave us free will, because one thing is certain...WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE ONE DAY...I've had near death experiences and have seen spiritual things most people wouldn't believe...the dark and the light...and we will face judgement for our actions. Be blessed and keep teaching this great knowledge.
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