tariqradio121.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq talks about the OJ trial.
Hors Sfier
3/3/2016 02:09:56 am
Damn. I had to listen to this podcast in stages. There were so many truth bombs, you needed a minute to process each one.
Phaddi Snaxx
3/6/2016 08:15:22 pm
Man, Tariq is dropping some heat on Ustream right now. Anybody missing this show, PLEASE catch it later... I never ever heard anything about the Mezzaluna...
Hors Sfier
3/7/2016 01:11:43 pm
@Phaddi Snaxx
3/3/2016 05:23:49 am
Deep show. As for whether or not they're going to show the full amount of racism from the cops on OJ's show, who are we kidding? Of course they're not! They lie about history to fit their own narrative all the time. That's what those who have the power will do. Shout out to my brothers who whipped the collective pale asses of those klan members!
3/3/2016 08:16:24 am
Tariq your show was fire!!!! Thank for dropping that knowledge on that racist ass Mark Ferman. I'm still voting for Hillary or Bernie though dog. Motherfuckers looking like they wouldn't mind putting us in concentration camps if Trump is President.
3/3/2016 06:39:31 pm
They already put us in concentration camps. It's called the prison industrial complex and it's only increased while Obama has been in office. Your vote is useless in a system of white supremacy.
Mr. Jon
3/4/2016 04:23:50 am
Ugh, nothing more annoying to me than the fear-mongering. It's bad enough when other groups do that "the sky is falling" b.s. but it's worse when black people do it.
Mr white
3/3/2016 09:59:18 am
The Oscars was a nod to the chinese. 88 is a sacred number for that country. Anytime you see 88, that's a head nod to the Chinese saying "we're on your side".
3/3/2016 01:53:35 pm
Bottom line is :don't trust Caucasians. Deal with them as they deal with us. Also,fuck Hillary,"colonel Sanders.those side talking clowns are not to be trusted.as for trump,he is the reincarnated version of david duke.best way to vote is independent.as far as concentration camps,get ready to fight to the death if necessary. Personally,i am ready.
Hors Sfier
3/3/2016 03:42:43 pm
When white people thought Obama was going to be elected they went out and bought weapons in record numbers.
3/3/2016 04:58:03 pm
Funny tariq didn't really mention umar. Hopefully he found out how fake he was.
3/3/2016 06:17:49 pm
How is Umar fake? I know you're not referring to that whole stripper scandal
3/3/2016 07:00:00 pm
Let he who is without sin throw the first stone.
Hors Sfier
3/4/2016 06:02:12 am
3/4/2016 06:31:32 am
Exactly. Only a handful of us see the bigger picture and try to change themselves and try think of ways to help the next generations. For most blacks as long as they get attention from white people (positive or negative) then they'd be more than happy to stay bummy and broke. To be honest there are times when I hate my people. Not because I think they're no good, but because I see our history and our potential to be the greatest people on the plane yet I see it being wasted on stupid distractions.
Hors Sfier
3/5/2016 03:04:54 am
Man, I fight that impulse of hate myself. But I remember Shahrazad Ali saying that the black man has never been at peace in this country. We have been under siege since day one. Of course, that is going to breed certain dysfunctions in our community. The fact that any of us are sane surprises me given that the white racists have never taken a vacation. They just change tactics.
Young Simba
3/5/2016 01:57:10 am
They recently claimed there was a knife buried on OJ's property and they are going to test this 20 year old knife for "evidence". Watch the fuckery that is about to go on. I haven't watched that show because I was wondering why the fuck is everyone so interested in that old ass case...but you confirmed it Tariq. WHITE SUPREMECISTS ARE MENTALLY INSANE...THE EQUIVALENT OF PSYCHOPATHS. They should be locked away in mental asylums...I have been saying for years that the whole concept of racism...based on illogical hate and fear...SHOULD BE CLASSIFIED AS A MENTAL ILLNESS. IT IS NOTHING BUT DESTRUCTIVE TO THE PROGRESS OF HUMANITY. A tool of the devil to keep the children of God from progressing. It is illogical and very bitchass to be a racist and I see the crazy circus is still going on...focusing on an L that is truly irrelevant but only because their feelings are hurt that their TRULY EVIL plans to ruin the life and name of OJ in that particular case didn't succeed. RACISM IS DESTRUCTIVE, ILLOGICAL, PURELY EMOTIONAL BASED ON HATE, FEAR AND A PERSON'S BITCHASS INSECURE NEED TO "FEEL" SUPERIOR. YOU ARE NOTHING BUT FEMININE BITCHES YOU FUCKING RACISTS, LIVE WITH THAT...AND WHEN YOU DIE...YOU EFFEMINATE WRETCHES...GOD IS WAITING FOR YOU.
Young Simba
3/5/2016 02:29:01 am
The devil's plan for the destruction of man is to divide and conquer...IN DIRECT OPPOSITION TO GOD'S PLAN FOR US TO PROSPER THROUGH UNITY. You know who those racists serve, you know why they are so detrimental to humanity as a whole...God has a place for them once this life is done...they try to make life hell for other races of men because due to their evil hearts...HELL IS THEIR FINAL DESTINATION. Vengeance is mine sayeth the LORD...there will be justice for those that make the choice to destroy God's people...and that includes all of humanity...but some choose to ignore God's presence in our lives and follow the destructive temptations of the devil, ignorantly doing his will for earthly trinkets..."butter biscuits" as Tariq says...at the cost of their eternal energy...their spirits...their souls...the devil revels in this evil because it is the devourer of souls...dragging as many to hell as he/it can tempt. Be comforted in knowing that whether you see it or not...THERE WILL BE JUSTICE...in courts that aren't governed by the pettiness and mental illness of racism but by God. Brothers and sisters continue to empower yourselves...at the end of day...the big picture...THERE IS JUSTICE FOR THE UNJUST...AND IT'S MUCH WORSE THAN ANY MANMADE PRISON ON EARTH.
Young Simba
3/5/2016 02:57:48 am
We must continue empowering ourselves. Tariq is correct about the systems in place...the devil has tempted many men desiring corrupted power...and they have gained positions in this world that allows them to conduct the wicked one's plans...THIS IS WHY MESSED UP STUFF HAPPENS ON THIS PLANET...God gave us freewill...and many are tempted by the devil...due to circumstances, lack of knowledge, insecurity, no knowledge of self...however God's presence is still here and that is a choice...even with the destruction that goes on, despite what the news will have many think...it is not completely hell on Earth, not yet...progression or destruction is behind every choice you make...through our unity and with progressive plans and action and most importantly faith that we, through God's power in our lives, we will overcome any opposition. We will find solutions to our success. If you need help...humble yourself and ask your creator...matthew ch 7 verse 7...ask and you shall receive. Solutions will come...through genuine faith and respect for God's presence in the timing and guidance to the solution. Be blessed brothers and sisters...no man is our master...that title belongs to our Father God in heaven...and He will judge those who try to take His role on earth.
3/5/2016 02:37:29 pm
The racism involved in the O.J. trial and all the knives in the world that have since been found are really irrelevant at this point. OJ cannot be tried again for the same crime; it's called double jeopardy. It's over, move on.
Hors Sfier
3/5/2016 08:30:07 pm
3/5/2016 02:51:54 pm
And yes, a liberal leaning SCOTUS is important b/c with a liberal majority on the bench, the Voting Rights Act can be can be reestablished in states where it has been damn near dismantled by Fat Tony Scalia and his coon, Clarence.
Hors Sfier
3/5/2016 08:34:34 pm
Black people stay making bets they can't cover.
3/6/2016 08:44:59 am
@Hors I hear you loud and clear.
The great 88
3/6/2016 03:35:33 pm
more reasons why foreigners do better than blacks in America:
3/6/2016 06:47:32 pm
Blah blah blah. I'm pretty sure I actually saw you post this exact same message under a different name a while ago. So scary! So lemme guess, we're supposed to be scared because of your shitty little post and go running to white people and beg them on our knees to please let us go back to being coons. Don't make me laugh. I said it before but the fact that you trolls even bother to come onto sites like this in your free time shows that it's really you that's scared. Or did you forget that white people are the actual minority on the planet and desperately try to add on more groups every year. How about the fact that your numbers are going lower and lower every year, your suicide and drug use is up, your women aren't marrying you or even bothering to have babies. And don't get me started on the various groups that kill you in your own countries. Plus with Trump becoming the nominee for the Republicans, your overall image in the world is looking worse and worse which is going to give ISIS even more reason to come after you. To get to the point, your power is going down, ours is actually going up. I live abroad and trust me, white people aren't as well liked as you'd like to believe :D
The great 88
3/6/2016 07:05:18 pm
Every nation has a flag but the coon.
3/7/2016 06:45:17 am
3/8/2016 01:59:25 am
Every nation has a flag but the coon.
Hurting for black men
3/9/2016 06:32:58 pm
Black girls are not winning with videos like this. They are losing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfDQFqeNCXE @ 2:09.
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