tariqraddio127.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq talks about animal rights groups and other fakeliberals.
Young J.O.
4/13/2016 04:58:43 pm
Tariq: "...All the answers to these questions are WHITE SUPREMACY"...😂😂😂
4/13/2016 08:26:07 pm
Haha Tariq be on one! Our brotha ain't giving white supremacy no passes!! ^____^
4/13/2016 05:17:18 pm
I find it AWFULLY strange that this krakker kave betch didn't even mention all these Filthy Animal rites rednecks fuckn their best friends , >>>1- http://mypornsnap.com/photos/man-fucking-animals-zoo-porn ....AND .... 2- http://www.zoofucking.net/videos/woman-and-dog/
Mr. Jon
4/19/2016 06:33:40 pm
In part, that's probably why they love them so much... Not sure it was necessary to post it though, we get the point. lol
4/14/2016 05:10:10 am
the animal rights folks are kooks and often nutty white chicks
Earth NowBorn
4/14/2016 01:25:23 pm
I had some bad experiences with atheist groups and animal rights groups. They are EXTREMELY RACIST. I really see what Tariq is saying. I'm so glad I became conscious of what white supremacy has done to me and melonoid ppl as a whole. I will never forget what my ancestors died for. We can have a collective community and help each other Rise WE CAN DO IT. ASE WORD IS BOND!
Mr. Jon
4/19/2016 06:34:55 pm
Most white people are racists... These groups just happen to be some activities of white supremacists, don't know that they're innately racist. Otherwise, what group of white people AREN'T racist?
4/14/2016 03:04:07 pm
Americans, Asians, Europeans, Hispanics, Africans, Native Americans, Indians, etc., etc. Humans all have the ability to speak out against the injustices brought to them. Animals don't. I don't believe that Sorsha was trying to make those of darker skin color, that were once victims of slavery, seem less. Nor was she trying to say they are 100% like animals. Humans and animals are both beings that have emotions, senses, and can think. The only difference is that animals can't speak for themselves. What was done to slaves in America, victims of war, and victims of the holocaust was first done to animals. Those with melanin in their skin have the intelligence, the voice, and the ability to change their situation around. For Sorsha to show a comparison to slavery and the pain of animals is not her way of saying animals and those who had families that were slaves are less than everyone else. I'm sure that if she made the comparison to the holocaust victims nothing would have been said even though they too were treated like cattle only to look forward to being experimented on and burned alive. To compare the helplessness of an animal to your own situation is indeed you comparing yourself to an animal. For you to feel upset because someone is trying to make the connection for a living being that can't speak for itself shows that you have insecurities and feel you are superior to the animal and that it's okay to harm animals as they do in the video "Earthlings." Never watched it? You should. It's not the end of the world for humans to compare themselves to animals because in the end we do have some similarities. Now, for humans treat other humans like animals is wrong on many levels since humans and animals live differently. For me, this is a start to our living peacefully, on this earth, with the same rights. I'm a black female who has transitioned onto being vegan because it's more ethical, has reversed some problems I had, and prevents me from having health problems; as well as giving me a youthful appearance, long and stronger hair, and glowing skin. I'm not practicing the same actions of those who feel they are superior so they think they have the right to control another being. I am for a system of justice. %100.
4/15/2016 07:20:56 am
Mr. Jon
4/19/2016 06:36:16 pm
You're either a troll or some animal rights activist who accidentally stumbled across this post.
Hors Sfier
4/14/2016 08:18:04 pm
That white chick was nuttier than a granola bar. Liberal white women are worse than right wing white men. They try and play both sides.
Mr. Jon
4/19/2016 06:38:22 pm
I hope more black people are waking up to the fact that these "all-lies" are not our friends.
Hors Sfier
4/20/2016 09:08:42 pm
LMAO. "all lies"
Hors Sfier
4/14/2016 08:44:27 pm
Somehow peta expects black people to be the civil rights mules for actual real mules. That is the dumbest idea in the world.
4/16/2016 09:01:07 am
Another Great, informative show. This is basically Part 2 to the old Mack Lessons show "Fake White Liberalism".
4/16/2016 12:07:24 pm
I used to be involved in the marijuana legalization movement. I left when I realized that none of the people involved gave a flying fuck about black victims of the drug war. They're quick to protest the Singapore Embassy when a white man gets a death sentence for smuggling 16 tons, but don't say anything about a black man who gets double digit years for smuggling a trunk load of herb across state lines.
4/20/2016 08:21:40 am
Your on it
4/16/2016 03:31:13 pm
Indeed i TREMBLE for my country when
4/16/2016 06:42:09 pm
Mr. Jon
4/19/2016 06:07:26 pm
God I hate white liberals! I will respect an honesty conservative long before I trust one of them.
Mr. Jon
4/19/2016 06:12:42 pm
The only part I kind of disagree with Tariq about is the buzzfeed thing.
4/20/2016 10:16:45 pm
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