tariqradio129.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq talks about interracial dating.
4/27/2016 11:45:48 pm
Mellody Hobson is George Lucas' "woman".she is also employed by ariel mutual funds,a black founded and owned mutual fund company.she has a high position there.
Gavin St Clair
4/28/2016 04:11:26 am
High position ?
Gavin St Clair
4/28/2016 04:11:39 am
High position ?
John Ray Jones
4/28/2016 04:14:41 am
Great topic as usual Mr. Nasheed. I would also like to add on when you have children in an interracial relationship on how most cases could be problematic as well. We always have to remember that we live in a system of white supremacy and that we are last on the totem pole or you can argue not even on the totem pole on the 9 human activities including sex because we don't truly understand what sex truly is and how it can be used as a weapon. Having mix bred children in most cases can be a detriment to the child because a lot of times they suffer with self identity issues a hundred times greater than melanoid children. Through the course of there life they struggle with a sense of belonging and acceptance. They believe in this myth that it will end racism and that they have best of both worlds with an advantage which isn't true. Especially women who are mix a lot of them growing up get into fights with other girls and they at times feel confused with who they are. So I think for us as melonoid people we should be fully congizant on what our ultimate goal is when deciding to date intereacially.
John Ray Jones
4/28/2016 04:22:45 am
So I mispelled interracially lol
4/28/2016 12:48:39 pm
I totally agree. All of it.
4/28/2016 07:17:11 am
I have a mixed raced child and as a black woman, it is my responsibility to let my son know that he is a black man in society and that it is an honor to be melanoid. And my husband,who is white, understands my position and also understanda melanoid empowerment.
4/28/2016 12:03:03 pm
Your interview with the breakfast club spoke to me in away that shook me to my core. You just don't know how I felt when you said that we shouldn't accept things as a pass - such as your view on the Harriet Tubman twenty dollar bill. I had all kinds of goose bumps listening to you. Your voice is needed in today's lost generation-. My self included. I am now re-energized through your works. And I will purchase your movies on black issues and teach my kids the importance of their history. From the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU!!
4/28/2016 03:57:16 pm
what's with some of our males' pathetic obsession with cosigning our females sleeping with white men?
4/29/2016 05:49:49 pm
5/4/2016 10:07:41 pm
dude many of those mixed children grow to go back into white society where they will have children and black is fr wiped out. whites have done this for hundreds of years its necessary for them to do. while we are thinking of the next generation they got shit mapped hundreds of years down the line.
earth nowborn
5/30/2016 01:28:38 pm
great comment
Phadd Snaxx
4/29/2016 05:37:30 am
That dude in the picture looks like he is Trix the Rabbit... Was he really getting down on his knees for this beyond lackluster female? Is there a youtube video?
Hors Sfier
4/29/2016 05:40:37 pm
It is a good podcast, covering familiar ground. Tariq repeats a lot, which is okay. When people complain that they need more Mack Lessons, I think they are crazy because he goes over the same material a lot. Like damn, homie, how many podcasts on interracial relationships do you need to hear? The man has been over this repeatedly. But I digress.
4/29/2016 09:03:30 am
I wish people would get out they feelings. Not every white man is practicing white supremacy just like not every black man is disgracing the black community. We have our coons and leaders as well as the whites have their soldiers and those who rebellion against systemic white supremacy. I'm not about to let a black person or white person, who could be ultimately contributing to our demise as well, tell me who to marry or sleep with. It's all about your MENTALITY. You can date only black men and still be a damn bedwench TOO. So at the end of the day I am a conscious melanoid who doesn't need anybody's approval white man nor Brown man. HELL, half of us of lighter skin complexion got traces of European in our blood so all this mixed race shaming is a load of crap. Black genes are dominant anyway. Some black people are so damn bitter about someone dating outside their damn race when people weren't even defined by race only regions years ago. This new world divisive shit is brainwashing everyone. There is nothing wrong with dating a white person who does not feel that they are a superior race or that black people are the inferior race. Not all white people feel this way. But of course a couple of spoiled apples ruin the whole race of whites. Just like a couple of hood rats and bedwenches make us black females all look hoodratish and coonish...just like a couple of thugs makes us all look bad.... see where I'm going? The government wants us to be caught up in this race war when it's really the government that is disinfranchising us black people and throwing us under the bus. And yes they are brainwashing the white people so that they can pass on the racism that was dying out. If we all united against the system, then it would be some changes but as long as they keep white people hating other races and vice versa they will remain in there position and us in our position.
Hors Sfier
4/29/2016 09:50:19 am
Hors Sfier
4/29/2016 10:31:24 am
And this is petty and off-topic, I know, but it gets to a repeated point.
4/29/2016 11:50:11 am
@Hors Sfier, I agree with you and much respect, you are definitely right about the silent white people, fearful of rejection from their white privilege. And I also understand that hoodratish and thuggish behavior comes from economic deprivation. I was simply giving an example of when people use one person from a group to sum up the whole group regardless of theach size . I'm not promoting interracial dating if it means the degradation and bedwenching of black women, or being someone's fetish. I do support two mature people who see the world for what it is and understand what is occurring in black and brown society. My husband will call out white supremacy all day everyday. And he also understands were he stands in society having a black wife. We good...oh yeah and he also checks any white person that participates in the system of WS. But he also still recognizes his privilege in society. But thats him and not every white dude gets it...if they did we wouldn't be having this discussion. So my point is before you shout BEDWENCH ALERT talk to that sista and her dude and see what they are about... love ya
Hors Sfier
4/29/2016 12:30:45 pm
Hors Sfier
4/29/2016 12:31:42 pm
*when not win -> *will not win
4/29/2016 01:48:46 pm
The question Tommy asked was the best thing about The Breakfast Club interview.
4/30/2016 02:53:56 am
Not quite understanding your argument. It's like arguing that gold will turn out better if it's mixed with tin. There's nothing wrong with our people getting into relationships among our own people. Plus we have to understand that most other groups on the whole just don't like us! Yeah you might marry a Becky and claim that you're happy but her family and all of your neighbors are going to look at you and your children with disgust and hatred. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but that nigga wake up call comes for all men and women.
4/30/2016 03:50:46 am
My argument is not that shit turns out better when mixed simply that niggas need to stop all that worrying about who someone else is fucking, who cares what the overall group feels like. If we are to take the overall view of things and not a case by case, then the overall if statistics are to be relied on we as black men are murderous serial killers. Why worry about something you cant control how others feel about you or your family fuck that and fuck them. Does that make sense to you?
Hors Sfier
4/29/2016 08:12:07 pm
You can feel however you want about interracial relationships.
4/30/2016 04:06:59 am
.The statistics are that white people have a declining birth rate, as far as I am concerned they can keep to themselves all they want.
4/30/2016 04:55:29 pm
4/30/2016 11:01:03 pm
waste of time trying to regulate a man's penis if you got two consenting adults. look I live in seattle you see interracial couples every where. I see bm/ww wm/bw im/ww am/ww aw/wm I no longer trip about it. now I have noticed here the lower level whites will not date out even in liberal seattle.but we got bigger fish to fry instead of who screwing who
4/30/2016 11:05:44 pm
just as many sisters hosed the pro ballers. money attracts lowlifes of all gender,race and creed. at the end of the day most of us date and marry black .
4/30/2016 11:09:55 pm
The verification process does have got a simple objective. Twitter brims with bogus or parody accounts. So when consumers are sifting by means of a list of potential usernames, it helps to acquire signals to aid discover the genuine man or woman they need to comply with.
Hors Sfier
5/1/2016 05:23:20 am
5/1/2016 03:41:12 pm
more reasons why foreigners do better than blacks in America:
5/1/2016 08:02:02 pm
5/2/2016 03:23:40 am
I've said it before but this guy (The great douchebag 88) has posted the EXACT same post except under a different name. If you're going to troll at least be original with each post.
Phaddi Snaxx
5/4/2016 05:28:41 pm
This dude 88 seems like a professional troll, like from the FBI or CIA, but I look at the treatment of melanoid people, as similar to that of an kidnapped, and abused child.
5/5/2016 09:41:34 am
is this Shaybutter87's husband? LMFAO
5/5/2016 09:42:58 am
he does call himself "88"!
5/5/2016 09:55:08 am
what were u guys saying about "good white men" again? lol And how "it doesn't matter who's sleeping with who"? lol i forgot! lmfao offline he's probably a bleeding-heart liberal and married to some retarded bedwench who calls him "one of the good whites"! lol classic! 5/2/2016 07:47:56 pm
Don't use the Moorus app. Tariq is a liar and a fraud. Facebook has shutdown racist groups in the past so there is no reason to create your own. As a matter of fact, this group was shutdown on May 2nd. Guess what today's date is?!
5/3/2016 12:55:04 am
Says the guy who just came on here calling us all niggers. This is how you white supremacists do business. You come on here calling us niggers to try to distract us or get us caught up in pointless debates and then turn around and tell us not to use something that would allow us to create and own our own business. Who cares if Facebook shut down a racist group? We don't need or want their support. Fuck off you edomite.
5/5/2016 07:15:56 am
Nigger Tariq said it best on the breakfast club. If most of us whites came here after slavery, what do we have to be guilty for? Inheriting a system?! We were overseas trying to live a better life. So, what? You think internationally advertising your "so-called" mistreatment is an advertisement to come to America and practice white supremacy? We had heart, we wanted to come over here and save you but you nigs make it hard!!!!!!
Phaddi Snaxx
5/4/2016 05:33:28 pm
Saying "Goodbye" then continuing to post nonsense is the hallmark of a troll...
Hors Sfier
5/4/2016 11:12:01 pm
Man, the only thing white supremacists understand and respect is power, power in the form of money and bullets. Debating them is a waste of time. Their minds are already made up and they know anytime black people spend debating is time spent not preparing for war. Offline, I don't even debate white people. They are so interested in what we do because that is white supremacy insuring its survival.
Phaddi Snaxx
5/5/2016 07:47:53 pm
I agree debating white supremacists is time wasting, but I feel it is necessary to a degree (even those on the internet). This "great 88" bum may not even be really white.
Leon kwasi
5/5/2016 12:16:19 am
Love the pic of the episode of podcast episode, perfectly describes what he is talking about!
earth nowborn
5/30/2016 01:25:04 pm
Tariq your krazy lol. what you said made sense tho
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