tariqradio140.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq talks about Black people having inappropriate behavior .
7/13/2016 09:18:22 pm
Right now,I'm not trying to be entertained by none of these negro on t.v or the internet,this is a problem we have some serious problems were we live and that's this machine W/S and black men are going to die a violent death from these cops hand if they don't fight back there's no way out, day by day its becoming a harsher reality living in these racist city's in America the black elders have sold out a big part of a progressive black future,at this point the black man has to find a way to get up on his feet without any Negro help.
Hors Sfier
7/13/2016 09:54:41 pm
I keep calling the Civil Rights movement the biggest scam of the twentieth century. Those old Civil Rights Blacks thought the job was done. But really, the con had just begun.
7/13/2016 09:20:10 pm
Has anybody noticed that not ONE goddamn cop has come out and said "Hey, we need to treat and respect black people better in the future"??? "We, as police officers, have to point out the racist, bigot,assholes and protect blacks from these bigoted mf's?????
Hors Sfier
7/13/2016 09:48:18 pm
I used to live smack in the middle of the hood growing up and never called a cop to help me out. To this day, when I tell white people from my home city where I grew up, I can see them get a little tense.
7/14/2016 05:36:27 am
About this going back to Africa talk,no.On the real this land in America is plenty to get for black people and I'm thinking this is what there afraid of not depending upon them it's hard not to buy tool's and materials from corporate in some sort of way,even bank loans if you can get it.I met this black dude that got a loan for 70.000 dollars he belonged to this church he tricked it off,he was giving black men massages voodoo is real.
7/14/2016 12:02:10 am
That will never happen in our lifetime.they are punks who have guns.plain and simple.mostly savages and no scruples.so whatever supposedly happened in Dallas last week to those race soldiers and their colored overseers: good riddance!
Aka Ojii
7/14/2016 05:01:40 am
We must #ALLLEARNTOFORGIVE and that's why I ask white people to pray and forgive Micah Johnson for what he has done. We must remember that Micah Johnsons family are victims too!
7/14/2016 05:07:37 am
Tell that to white people when terrorists attack them in their country. The policy of the US has NEVER been to forgive their enemies. Japan and the US may be allies but part of their treaty was that they disbanded their army (except for defense purposes) and have their bases all over the country. They forgave Japan on the condition of basically making them their bitch militarily forever. Never forgive your enemies and never forget the evil they do against you. After all, it's the American way.
7/14/2016 05:50:28 am
Why are you asking white people for anything unless there giving you some type of Scooby snack. please stop begging these white folks for anything.
Aka Ojii
7/14/2016 06:04:27 am
I was being sarcastic making a reference to white people always asking us to pray for and forgive our 'white' killers and to the judge who said that Dylan Roofs family are victims too...
Hors Sfier
7/14/2016 08:31:15 am
Yeah, I got that you were joking. That was funny.
Mr. Jon
7/17/2016 04:51:37 pm
I've been done with the church for a while. For MANY reasons, but one, it just seems like a socialization spot for women, mainly older women.
7/15/2016 02:52:17 am
@Aka Ojii
Hors Sfier
7/18/2016 02:33:59 pm
@Jay Bay
7/14/2016 06:54:23 am
Great show, Tariq! You can do a whole Hidden Colors on how certain blacks throughout history have enabled white supremacy to last so long. The history of coons, bed wenching, samboing, and saboteurs is plentiful.
7/14/2016 08:55:50 am
My fault, I thought you was a secret coon or a tricky troll.
We the People
7/14/2016 01:01:25 pm
Do organizations in African countries like Nigeria ever invite international business speakers to give lectures on how to do business? Ex. Bill Gates, Warren Buttet, etc.
Mr. Jon
7/14/2016 01:12:14 pm
Yea, I saw about 3 seconds of that damn video myself and closed it.
Hors Sfier
7/14/2016 05:08:46 pm
Yeah, I agree. I got bored seeing the poverty porn from Africa.
We The People
7/14/2016 01:33:27 pm
Where did I get the George Soros, top-down rumor from? I forgot. Reports say he doesn't fund BLM. Then how are they getting so popular? Code of conduct from dominant society? I'm confused.
7/14/2016 11:46:28 pm
Yeah,Obama town hall meeting frightening.The propaganda machine rolls on.
7/17/2016 12:14:18 pm
Im sorry but I cant listen to this dude talk without wanting to bash his head into a wall. People who were actual slaves if they listened to this shit would beat the shit out of you.You have your own fucking radio show where you are allowed to freely spew this garbage and your out here talkin like you are some slave workin 8am-10pm in a cottonfield. Your life aint that bad you probably have a decent house with a nice car living better than 90% of the white people in this country. This shit is a complete joke and all for ratings. No way this dude actually thinks this way, look at his twitter if a white person was tweeting like the way you do they wouldnt have a job due to the outrage from black people. You sir are the definition of a racist in every sense of the word and its incredibly hilarious reading the shit you have to say, I got 5 minutes into him talking and was like this is pathetic. You dont know shit about what slavery was like, yet you want to act like you have to bear that burden. You have all this anger at people who werent slave owners coming from people who were never actually slaves this shit is too damn funny. What a joke, last time I checked there are 4 times as many white people in this country than there are black, if black people think shooting police officers is going to get rid of the police you are just retarded, theyll get rid of us before that comes anywhere close to fruition. Like I cant believe how much you defend guys like alton sterling who was a fucking CHILD MOLESTER. Alton sterling has been arrested over 20 times, meaning there was 20 times he was arrested for breaking the law, ie being a criminal and he was not killed. You are just blowing these things up to increase your agenda. The black lives matter movement is such a fucking joke. I wake up every day turn on the news hearing about a black dude being murdered at the hands of another black man and youll never see anyone walking up to city council talking about "black lives matter" for that, but all of a sudden you see a white officer do it a couple times and everyone comes out with the pitchforks. Do you realize black men are 25 times more likely to be killed by another black man then a police officer yet there is so much focus on getting rid of the police but any time someone brings up black on black crime "were getting away from the point" No your racist ass is getting away from the point but blowing up something that isnt as big of a problem as other stuff in the community. Fuck off you racist fuck keep blaming the white man for your problems as you drive around in your range rover with your rolex on going back to the suburbs living a better life than most of america. Fake ass oppression
7/17/2016 12:18:04 pm
Tariq apparently has a net worth of 2.5 million and is from Detroit but lives in Los Angelos lmfao what joke dude. Youve got all these poor black people following you having no idea that you are full of shit. This dude is in the 1% talking about oppression what an idiot
7/17/2016 06:19:41 pm
Do you realize black men are 25 times more likely to be killed by another black man then a police officer yet there is so much focus on getting rid of the police but any time someone brings up black on black crime "were getting away from the point"
7/17/2016 06:29:46 pm
Im sorry but I cant listen to this dude talk without wanting to bash his head into a wall
Mr. Jon
7/17/2016 08:30:50 pm
Why do you guys always insist on giving the white supremacist trolls what they want?
Hors Sfier
7/17/2016 10:59:28 pm
@Mr. Jon
The great 88
7/18/2016 07:54:12 am
Nigs will never learn. The world is ready to purge you. Every country has a police force ready to take up arms and buttfuck your daughters.
We The People
7/20/2016 05:53:29 am
Anyone serious about helping black people do not support BLM so do your thing devil. Thanks bro
Courtney H.
7/18/2016 11:48:26 am
@ Everybody:
Hors Sfier
7/18/2016 12:57:49 pm
Thanks Black family. This is a good share. It is worth watching. I am glad he kept it short.
Courtney H.
7/20/2016 12:35:38 pm
@ Hors Sfier:
The great 88
7/18/2016 01:30:26 pm
I'm going to fucking wear blackface, BLM tee shirt and disrupt LGBTQ rallies, asian rallies, immigrant rallies and turn every group against you fuckin black people. THen you'll never get public support for this BLM bullshit.
R8sing A Nation
7/19/2016 10:41:50 am
Black ppl need to stay on message about Police Officers vs Race Soliders.I give zero effs about a race solider but have nothing but respect for law abiding Police Officers. It's that simple and everybody else wants to confuse the two....even Police Officers know the difference. As far as BLM I see they find themselves in a funny position taking all that George Sorros money. Now they are being forced to back peddle and tone it down ,even throw BBQ with law enforcement and do the Nae Naw(see the footage in Kansas).......BLM is not to be trusted....and it's not so much all the black ppl it's all the money and the true agenda behind it. Malcom X warned about who you align your movement with and who they tell you your leaders are.
R8sing A Nation
7/19/2016 10:49:33 am
*Nae Nae
Hors Sfier
7/19/2016 06:17:30 pm
you had it right the first time. The Nae Naw.
7/19/2016 07:04:08 pm
This is why Killer Mike (granted, he's not the first one to say it) had it right. When black people start moving their money in large numbers to black banks, shop with black realtors, car dealers, etc. then we'll see changes. All these publicity stunts just confuse black people and give white people a pat on the back and let them think that they were right all along. We need to separate from white America both financially and spiritually. Talking about how cops and white supremacy needs to hold up the Constitution is a waste of time because they never have and never will hold it up when it comes to us. All they have to do is pass a law (body cams) and then ban it (they just banned them in NC) and we're right back doing the same thing we did 60 years ago. Marching and doing photo ops.
Hors Sfier
7/19/2016 07:33:23 pm
@Jay Bay
Mr. Jon
7/20/2016 08:29:58 am
" I don't talk to non-Black men at all unless it is work related. Non-black women I deal with if it is work or personal. And I deal with them as individuals instead of as a group.
7/26/2016 10:20:01 pm
black people, we are scared and weak dude. thats why they cooning
Dave Gardiner
7/28/2016 04:55:03 pm
And y'all say white people can't be racist. This is the biggest joke I've ever seen "I won't conversate with a white man unless it's about money" let's see where you all on in 10
9/19/2016 10:10:57 pm
Aiight so there's the hood way of handling white people and theres the square way. We all know which way would work better. Shit personally I think that for every black person that gets discriminated against. We should discriminate against 2.
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