tariqradio150.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq talks about modern lynchings
Mr. Jon
9/21/2016 04:29:56 pm
This may be rare for a black man to say, but I DO NOT CARE ONE BIT if Trump wins... In fact, I'd prefer it.
Mr. Jon
9/21/2016 04:30:36 pm
*asses kicked
9/21/2016 05:40:28 pm
I kind of hope MoorUS start off exclusive like MySpace and Facebook did. Only people of substance should be allowed for the first 6 months. Then it becomes available to the public. I'm ready to connect (pool money) with like minded people who wants to build.
Hors Sfier
9/21/2016 08:24:02 pm
Man, I've been saying that for the longest. Tariq is free to do what he wants with a site he founded. But you know that thing is going to get flood with trolls without some moderation. Dirty sws have nothing better to do all day but to antagonize Black people. I say put everyone on probation for at least the first three months.
9/21/2016 07:13:24 pm
I read that story about that 13 yearold I wonder why they put that story out there like that ,the W/S trying to cover up the execution of Tamir rice,when will the darker people learn.
9/21/2016 07:21:43 pm
Read the story the other day about the 13 year old,the police shot in Columbus, ohio wonder why they ran that the W/S trying to cover-up the execution of Tamir Rice.When will the darker people learn.
We The People
9/21/2016 09:48:02 pm
Great article simplifying what hackers use to take down websites for those that aren't in the software field:
Hors Sfier
9/22/2016 06:49:02 pm
Your man Obama did more for animal rights than he did for Black rights.
We The People
9/23/2016 07:56:12 pm
The police entity is just a business. Can't we attack this from a business perspective? How can we put the police out of business nationally?
9/24/2016 10:25:40 am
Ain't nobody trying to hear that!! NO, WE'RE NOT TRYING TO PRIVITIZE POLICE, which is what you're advocating. You sound like an AGENT!!
We The People
9/24/2016 11:08:00 am
I'm not saying privatize the police, i'm saying attack them economically. Put them out of business by giving them no reason to racially profile you. See if we can make this a profitable endeavor. Make them operate at a loss.
Hors Sfier
9/25/2016 11:44:31 am
No joke BoomerGa. I agree with your assessment.
We The People
9/25/2016 01:56:54 pm
I just meant that when cops see black people in any situation, they see a money bag with legs. Just like the dentist would hate it if people stopped eating candy. He/She would be out of a job.
We The People
9/25/2016 04:54:34 pm
Cops love crime. Don't get it twisted If crime didn't happen, they would be out of a job. They think they are all John Wayne or something.
Hors Sfier
9/25/2016 06:00:26 pm
@We The People
Mr. Jon
9/24/2016 12:23:25 pm
I can see where you are going with this idea. I like the idea of sovereignty.
9/24/2016 11:11:48 am
I was talking with my chinese friends. They said the woman in the video has some mexican man in the hosue towards the end of the video and she is likely cheating on her husband but they said basically said "they dont give a fuck". You see how that house is full of boxes and shit? They are doing business.
9/25/2016 01:36:27 pm
Charlotte needs a serious healing, but like Tariq saw when he came 2 Charlotte, this racial tension has been building up.
Hors Sfier
9/25/2016 08:36:21 pm
Californians can now act to save dogs from hot cars
Mr. Jon
9/25/2016 08:52:21 pm
I actually wonder what the new landscape of America is going to look like in 10, 20, 50 years from now. It's like water keeps rising, everyone else is a buoy and we blacks are a dense boulder.
9/29/2016 07:45:18 am
I believe their is some logic to the, so called, "coons" mentality when they retort with "What about Black on Black Crime". Imagine that we are in an Army and the troops are marching to the battlefield, but while we're marching the soldiers start fighting amongst each other. By the time we get to the battlefield we're not gonna have anybody left to fight the war. And if the opposing Army is unified and has a "Code of Conduct" best believe we're gonna get our asses kicked.
9/29/2016 04:56:49 pm
Toney -
Hors Sfier
9/30/2016 07:59:47 am
@Mike 9/30/2016 08:53:58 am
Hors Sfier
10/2/2016 03:45:02 am
" but I also believe it's difficult for us to fight White Supremacy when we have Black people killing each other over clothing, Selling Crack to each other, and engaging in open air sex trade in some black neighborhoods."
10/29/2016 07:38:31 pm
Playing American (or white supremacist) politics is one of the things we MUST stop doing! Instead, support the laws and representatives that benefit Africans in the diaspora! (http://www.panafricanalliance.com/7-things-black-america-should-stop-doing/)
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