tariqradio159.mp3 |
11/30/2016 01:24:19 pm
You in trouble got damnit!
11/30/2016 02:58:13 pm
One of my teachers in high school knew Geraldo Rivera since childhood and even went to his bar mitzvah and attended college with him when he was GERALD RIVERS. Geraldo played up the "Puerto Rican" side as a come up when television stations were moving to hire more ethnics in the early 1970's. Then he magically became Geraldo. Geraldo is a Zionist white supremacist and has been one his entire life. FACTS!
Hors Sfier
11/30/2016 03:44:06 pm
That sounds like what Donald Sterling did. He changed his name from Donald Tokowitz.
Egg Head Malone
11/30/2016 03:02:17 pm
What I like about Black Lives Matter is that there is now a group that I can point to that's fighting for black people. As a white man, I was thinking about doing something for black children but this takes the pressure off me because there's obviously already a group doing that.
JimmE brown
12/2/2016 04:25:37 am
Man.. shut up with that Bullshit
11/30/2016 05:42:45 pm
One of things we need to recognize when engaging people like Tucker is that they are unaware that they are participants and if they are aware then they aren't able to do anything about it. Don't feel sorry for them. They did not care when we were being violated in every way that we could be. Them getting a taste of what they subjected us to won't do anything but give them what they deserve. When we start hitting them back then they want to say we need to come to the table and talk things out. No sir the time for talking ended long ago when they decided that they should reign supreme over melanin people. They have always been afraid of our power. That is why Birth of a nation was black balled because it showed the empowering of a melanin person. So now they want to push that movie about the illegality of whites and blacks to marry movie called Loving. How do you say boycott?
11/30/2016 06:46:04 pm
tariq this dude put you on ice bruh. he had your emotions to high and many of the questions he had you should have avoided. it was embarrassing ad you start name calling at the end bruuuuhhhhhhh smh
Jeffrey whitaker
12/2/2016 02:43:34 pm
Yeah (What!!). I would have to agree with you. I think Tariq got handed. Tariq lost his cool and was made out to be a radical hater. I see Tariq's point but at the same time with that style of thinking, EVERYTHING is geared against the black race then. It's self fullfilling. I don't think Tucker even understood Tariq's response. He just said "humph".
11/30/2016 07:22:18 pm
-Black folks need to be aware of the unconstitutional surveillance state going into the racist, crazy Trump Administration, and this is not a crazy Alex Jones conspiracy theory, it's real! The article below has the receipts
12/2/2016 06:22:42 pm
President Obama did everything he was supposed to do when he told the American people what was on the ballot. They made their bed and now they can lie in it.
11/30/2016 09:27:01 pm
Mr. Jon
11/30/2016 10:48:14 pm
Tariq OWNED that idiot.
Hors Sfier
12/1/2016 02:23:16 am
The D.L. Hughly interview with Kelly was good too.
Mr. Josh
12/3/2016 07:22:05 pm
Ger over yourself.....
12/1/2016 06:12:40 am
I'm embarrassed for you Bruh... you got owned. You evaded every question, and never made a valid point your self. Also, acting cocky and you were clearly flustered... so sad.
Dre fan
12/20/2016 04:34:28 pm
WORD! You nailed it
Steve Quimby
12/1/2016 01:36:18 pm
Yet again... No facts just race card. Do us all a favor and talk about something that isn't over played. How about the fact the only rappers that make it to the radio are promoting sex, violence, and drugs? Where's this valid point? Then young black men look up to these rappers like its the only way to live. You want to change things for the better and not add fuel to the intolerant Fire? Denounce these evil scumbag puppets and speak peace and love instead of more racism. I'm sorry brother but your just as much of the problem as these racists whites.
John eastland
12/7/2016 06:11:03 pm
Tariq represents himself and black people very well. He is a champion for black people worldwide. If you oppose what Tariq stands for, FUCK You
Hors Sfier
12/1/2016 06:17:07 pm
Black people what exactly do Black people get, tangibly, by our "use" of the race card? I have seen Black people get fired, isolated , etc. but I have not yet seen one benefit.
Mr. Jon
12/1/2016 08:22:03 pm
I'm generally not a fan of us responding to trolls, but I like the counter you offered "what do black people get out of it?"
Hors Sfier
12/2/2016 12:51:21 am
They keep using the "race card" like it is a credit card or something.
12/2/2016 11:23:23 am
People wake up. The media is playing you. Notice the media who Tariq says is owned by white supremacist always show blacks being shot by cops, yet white people are killed by cops on a much higher scale. The media never discusses this and you know why? Because they want you to believe in this racism narrative. Yes there is racism but not like Tariq preaches. He and the medias agenda is to create this narrative to divide white and blacks. Why is this? Because all Americans are being screwed by the rich, not white supremacist. They want us divided because if we are fighting each other than we are distracted and don't pay attention to the rich. The media is the one who pushes the stories, which are owned by rich and powerful. They want us to be poor and dumb. They want to dumb us down by promoting rap music which is dumbs us down to use almost child like language. They don't want us smart and to understand what is going on. People please come together.
Jeffrey whitaker
12/2/2016 02:54:51 pm
Very well said Ryan.
We The People
12/2/2016 02:57:27 pm
How do I categorize a Maury Povich? Rich white male married to an Asian woman but constantly embarrasses blacks and whites. Is he a white race traitor? Are there more of him?
Mr. Jon
12/3/2016 06:12:49 pm
He's just a white guy making a lot of money on blacks embarrassing themselves.
12/20/2016 04:33:17 pm
You had me till Elvis, for a min I thought you actually had a brain cell.
Mr. Josh
12/3/2016 07:20:06 pm
You all are idiots to think Tariq has a reasonable thinking process. His twet mafe the incident racist by pointing out the race, before he knew the details. Thats racism by definition. There are no mis treatment of minorities in this country. In fact, by law, companies HAVE to hire.minorities to maintain a quota to white people, even if the person a minority is interviewing against is better than them...... thats racist against white people. Laws have now made it more than fair for minorities in this country. Racism is now on an individual level, not a legislative level. Stop crying and race bating every time a white and black person have an issue. Go be productive, treat others like you want to be treated. Ger over it. You want to rip this place apart, so we can all walk around in a ruined country? You want to.spend your days crying and pointing fingers at inocecent people because of their skin?????? Guess who is now the racist one's in America........ get over it or leave. Have fun in a land where you just whine and expect others to make the world about only you and your misguided thoughts. The rest of this country want to live peacefully.
12/5/2016 12:21:24 am
Perhaps, you should go back and gain better grasp on critical thinking and objective criticism. Instead of regurgitating the same tired old rhetoric pertaining to hiring practices, and dismissing our claims of discrimination as conjecture, you might want to take a real honest assessment of America in 2016. The America of your sweet little myth has been exposed, and it has been measured and found wanting, son!
12/5/2016 12:25:31 am
Top dollar is attacking you again bro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkBqEzdXgu4
Somebody already hates him
12/5/2016 06:31:42 am
Somebody else hates him
12/5/2016 06:36:40 am
What Next?
12/5/2016 08:41:29 pm
Milo Yiannopoulos plants suspected gay audience member for easy win: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTxSAjXpnqo
We The People
12/5/2016 09:17:03 pm
That's probably not true. But if it is, put it in it's proper context. It's called theatrics and drama. Something that is stereo typically ascribed to gay men.
Abraham Ballard
12/7/2016 04:51:11 am
I've looked at the interview quite a bit and the only real way that I can say Tariq "lost" was that he put himself in a very bad position before the interview even started with the Twitter comment. Tucker had all the ammo he needed from there, but I will say that Tariq did pretty well standing his ground given the disadvantage he put himself at to begin with.
Mr. Jon
12/7/2016 06:22:29 pm
The ambiguity of his comment was intentional... He baited the w.s.
12/20/2016 04:29:26 pm
The reality here is that you are 1. Using big words without knowing the meaning 2. That you really are as ignorant as you type because the white man is educated and see through the Bullshit "no context" you stupid bastard LMAO!
Sweet T
12/19/2016 04:47:31 am
If slavery would've been brought up, I'd refute the "past" with asking about restitution.
12/19/2016 04:50:34 am
Free Willy
12/20/2016 04:26:59 pm
Wantin' sumthang for nothing. You were the one lootin' the stores during protests LOL! We ain't owe you Shit! Be careful before you great grand pappy come out the grave and slap the shit outta you!
Uncle Tom
12/20/2016 04:24:03 pm
LMAO as I read these posts you ignorant assholes forgot to call racism from the game of pool "The game ain't over till the white ball sinks the black ball".
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