tariqradio171.mp3 |
Hors Sfier
2/22/2017 06:13:19 pm
That was a solid show. There is a reason that the w.s. always go for the Black entertainer and the Black clergy for props.
2/22/2017 06:59:45 pm
Way to stick by your guns with the vaccines. My son is 3 and became autistic within 2 weeks of the MMR. Don't let them stick that poison in your kids. Wish I had your knowledge before I let them poison my son. Keep spreading that knowledge, much respect.
Mr. Jon
2/23/2017 10:02:28 am
Didn't watch the show yet, but on the topic of vaccines, people are FUCKIN' ANNOYING... Particularly white people, but you know, other groups always copy what whites do. -_-
2/24/2017 12:50:10 pm
My daughter has autism. It takes weeks to notice autistic behavior and multiple specialists to properly diagnose it. There is no way your son went from having no symptoms to an autism diagnosis within two weeks.
4/19/2017 05:44:03 am
My son stopped talking, stop responding to his name, started flapping and having all the classic autistic symptoms. Which he DID NOT do before the shots. I don't know about all the science but I believe in what I saw unfold right before my eyes.
The Intersectionality Con Game
2/22/2017 07:31:00 pm
This is a link to a suspected white supremacist using "intersectionality" to distort a story on professional hockey player Evander Kane.
2/24/2017 08:45:26 am
Love the show, but after those measles outbreaks on the BART train I can't agree with you on the vaccine thing. Getting these shots is a public responsibility.
Mr. Jon
2/24/2017 01:15:08 pm
Here we go again with the peer pressure crap... -_-
2/24/2017 03:25:04 pm
No statisticaly significant link means just that. The vaccinated people are diagnosed with autism at the same rate as non- vaccinated people. Doctors won't say there's absolutely no link, but they also won't say that eating apples will absolutely not give you cancer.
Mr. Jon
2/24/2017 05:01:49 pm
"The medical establish has performed debilitating procedures on Black people for centuries, but this is not one of them."
Phaddi Snaxx
2/25/2017 06:40:33 pm
The people that are responsible for the Tuskegee syphilis scandal became the CDC fool:
2/24/2017 07:24:33 pm
This could be a plot, but I doubt it. It's easier just to poison the water supply or allow toxic amounts of sugar into everything we eat.
2/25/2017 04:45:43 am
I believe what I witnessed with my own eyes. My kid disappeared over night after a vaccine. He stopped talking, responding to his name, stopped playing with the other kids, starting stemming, developed bad skin and the list goes on and on. I really find it hard to believe that all this developed at the same time as his vaccine and there is no connection. I'm not opposed to vaccine but I don't think many of those young immune systems can handle them.
Phaddi Snaxx
2/25/2017 06:54:21 pm
Hey, man, I am being serious here... did he watch any type of TV programming? I know at least one of my cousins likes that Thomas the Train and Teletubbies stuff. My theory is that the vaccine is working with environmental programming to bring this about. And don't give up, one of my cousins is socializing and constantly working with her son -- and he definitely has a different level of social interaction than the other by another cousin. They are trying to sterilize black people by creating autistic males
Mr. Jon
2/26/2017 07:55:47 pm
More on topic, intersectionality is b.s. I agree with Tariq. People now want to conflate every single random cause, veganism, animal rights, people who don't want to identify as any gender, etc. into black rights... and the sad part is
Hors Sfier
2/26/2017 11:09:49 pm
Dude, I don't find it weird at all that other groups can get on code easier. Black people have been carrying the Civil Rights movement for the entire course of this nation. If no other groups had contributed, we still would have died to get our rights.
Hors Sfier
2/26/2017 11:13:25 pm
Bottom line is, in the Civil Rights struggle, Black people have played every single minute of every quarter. We are exhausted and overwhelmed. I am not mad at Black people at all.
Mr. Jon
2/27/2017 10:08:52 am
Agreed 100% I am curious to find out how all of these groups know codes like this.
Mr. Jon
2/26/2017 08:01:25 pm
Hors Sfier
2/26/2017 11:03:24 pm
Bro, I don't even argue with them about that.
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