tariqradio187.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq talks about racist youtubers
Hors Sfier
6/29/2017 08:21:06 pm
Brother Tariq spoke one hundred percent truth.
Hollywood Rook
6/30/2017 09:07:38 am
Good show Fam! Also if you have kids who are on youtube alot like mine, make sure you all vet their subscribers & who they are subscribed to. My oldest daughter is into these video game videos, and gamer channels... I've had to put her up on game about some of the people she was subscribed to and block some people... One Love Fam! Stay black, strapped & be proud of that!
6/30/2017 11:32:24 am
I read you loud and clear, Hollywood. There's a purge of black lives going on in this country. Stay vigilante and question everything.
Hors Sfier
6/30/2017 12:41:45 pm
@Hollywood Rook
7/2/2017 05:35:04 am
I'm done with you sir. You are by far the biggest racist African American on the face of the earth. You only get followers, camera time, and large amounts of exposure because the mainstream media want to keep the racial divide alive... and I'm sick of this white supremacist bullshit. I have never in my life been given anything over a black person by the color of my skin alone. I have because of hard work and effort but yet you feel EVERY white person is blessed and that's far from the truth. I love black people, but you are making it harder and harder to agree with any everyday. I can't stand you, I'm gonna post about you on twitter everyday. I'm gonna get a response from you. Have me on the phone on your radio show. Let's debate. Let's see how far your views go with someone who's in the line of fire every damn day of my life. I will expose you for the racist prick you are. You are scum. You are the bottom of the earth scum. And you want this country and world divided for what!?!?! You sir are not the superior race.... Nor am I. As one great man said before, "all men are great created equal!" Have a good day sir... not really.
7/3/2017 06:47:13 pm
Tyler - Oh man, I got a feeling where this is going. So after this I am going to take Hors advice. Tariq's broadcast should only bother you if your are a white supremacist. If you listened he didn't mention anything about hardworking people like yourself if that is the truth of who you are. The segment was spent debunking the the recordings of a woman who is quite loud and clear in her white supremacist views and the views of other internet personalities that support her.
7/5/2017 12:38:15 pm
Tyler that quote came from a slave owner Thomas Jefferson. You cave dwelling white devil piece of shit. Hope the sun give you 3rd degree burns you genetically recessive cave dog
7/11/2017 02:29:55 pm
You are obvious looking for attention
Hors Sfier
7/4/2017 03:50:10 pm
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