tariqradio189.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq reviews the new Planet of the Apes movie.
Just a bro
7/14/2017 04:10:51 am
Youtube is unlawfully deleting and blocking your material man. And you are talking about Hollywood movies. Wake up bro
Hors Sfier
7/14/2017 09:21:18 am
youtube is a private company. They can do whatever they want.
Mr. Jon
7/14/2017 01:14:13 pm
While we get the occasional w.s. troll, most of them stay on YouTube because they have more of an audience to troll.
Hors Sfier
7/14/2017 01:45:56 pm
No doubt. The numbers on youtube are huge compared to this site.
7/14/2017 10:33:38 pm
Excellent post. You are right. We should own our own channels. More than that we've got to start acquiring monetary sources through whatever legal means possible. More than that we have to start hating ourselves and each other so much.
Hors Sfier
7/15/2017 12:05:22 am
Technology is the only equalizer. It is a commodity that will work for anyone.
Mr. Jon
7/14/2017 01:11:42 pm
Hors Sfier
7/14/2017 01:35:06 pm
Bro, I NEVER bring up race around non-Blacks. With Blacks, I can talk race all day. But the thing is,
Prince Kosmic
7/14/2017 06:01:29 pm
And so what, he's "grown so much and educated himself?" You must be on Jesus Crack on Friday....lol... A leopard rearranges his spots, he doesn't lose them. We've all grown up and changed over time, but you can't ever go back and rebuild burnt bridges. Phillip DeFranco is going to do exactly what with this change? Absolutely squat. Stop wasting time, energy, and emotion on how other non blacks feel about you. It won't do a damn thing to change your condition nor members of your community.
7/17/2017 01:08:59 pm
I haven't seen it yet, but from hearing the reviews, i've decided not to see it around non-melinated people. private screen only. I hear what Tariq us saying about the little girl... and it is suspicious.
Hors Sfier
7/18/2017 05:45:30 pm
Yeah, I am going to catch this on streaming somehow, either on a flight or at someone's house. No way I am paying to watch this.
7/20/2017 09:18:03 pm
Lol! I love the movie, but seems like I'm not the only one that saw the connotation!
7/21/2017 11:17:40 pm
What tariq said about the beginning of the planet of the apes starting from the original is very true.I am 48 years old and I have seen all of the original movies from when I was a kid back in the 70's.this shit has always been racial.and I do remember seeing a documentary on the planet of the apes maybe 5 years ago.basically, the French writer,Pierre boule, wrote this book showing subtle racial under/ overtones during the 1960's era and flipping it making the " humans" subject to discrimination from the "apes":translation: the blacks.the best one of these ape movies, which I saw a rerun of last week,was " conquest of the planet of the apes".anybody who was looking at this shit could see the racial analogy in this 🎥.as a kid and even now, despite the racial/ racist element of it, I liked that it showed that pink punk assed governor submitting to Caesar at the end. Unfortunately, Caesar showed compassion to that punk and let him and the few savage crackers live.and by the way, I despise crackers at all levels.no good ones,at all.they have a proven bad track record throughout world history.for those of you scumbag trolls who have an issue: I don't care, bitches.peace out!
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