tariqradio_201.mp3 |
10/12/2017 12:13:52 am
I couldn't listen to this interview after the 40 minute mark.so what this seemingly confused negress bedwench flipped it on this coke sniffing cracker....big fucking deal.she made some points about what it is being black in amerikkka, racial double standards, etc.but from what I listened to,she still has a hankering for cracker penis.so no, she gets no compassion, empathy nor sympathy coming from me.she'll be alright.
10/12/2017 04:02:11 am
But if theres no "big fucking deal" why are you so emotional? Whoever said any of this was a big deal? Whoever said to have "compassion, empathy nor sympathy"? Do you think thats the point?This about your IDEALS. she is black first. that will do. YOU are OFF CODE.
10/12/2017 10:30:48 pm
+svr247365 true she is black, and she is very confused. Whitesupremacy will do that to you.
10/12/2017 11:38:55 pm
No emotions...just said what I had to say.you must be taking to heart more than me.and I don't feel I'm off code.she is still a bedwench.plain and simple.
Mr. Mitchell
10/13/2017 03:53:31 am
The mistress is totally a negro bed wench. She actually admitted that the other wealthy white males she's dealing with are "cool" and that she'll hold them down. She said that when Tariq asked her to reveal their names/identity.
10/15/2017 11:02:53 am
I agree with Danny. This is a ho, plain and simple. She'll be alright as soon as the white folks start fawning all over her high yellow baby. She'll be pleased as punch.
Mr. Jon
10/15/2017 03:36:19 pm
Fair analysis.
10/13/2017 08:41:57 am
She's not a bed wench she's a ho. Only difference is that she gets paid to have sex and write about it. She's one of the few that will get a quarterly royalty check off her pussy. It's clear that she only fucks with white men because, statistically speaking, most of the people with more money than common sense tend to be.....
Mr. Jon
10/15/2017 03:35:14 pm
Hell hath no fury like a bedwench scorned!
detroit narssacist
10/20/2017 05:28:46 am
Great show and interview
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