tariqradio22.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq talks about how men can learn how to control their emotions. ![]()
3/26/2014 02:15:02 pm
My nigga Drake!!!!!
Um What
3/26/2014 04:37:43 pm
Love the show and Tariq's POV in general but considering he's been on a Black Empowerment VS White Supremacy kick for longer than usual (he usually saves the best/worst of it for the UStream shows which means I don't have to hear it because I only listen to the podcast and after 2-3 weeks of hammering the same general subjects will say something like "I've been getting a little heavy on the past few shows so I'm gonna keep it light..."), can we get a disclaimer in the show info that let's us know if that specific episode ties the topic into minority empowerment or combating white supremacy? Don't get me wrong, I am a man of color (Black), I've listened to plenty of Neely Fuller on Talktainment Radio, and will discuss socially important things that obviously do or that I feel have race as a major motivator with whites and people of color of any age whenever and wherever. And I often do, trust me. But goddamn Tariq, can we get relationship or life advice once or twice a month that anyone, regardless of color, can utilize. I mean, sometimes I just want to laugh and be enlightened/educated like only you can do, bruh. Shit, life is about variety right?
3/26/2014 10:08:03 pm
^^^ what he said! Bring on the game, that other stuff gets dry after awhile... Just sprinkle the heavy stuff every now and then.
All aboard!
3/27/2014 03:40:47 am
The coon train is comin! Always on time! hoe ass niggas
Hors Sfier
3/27/2014 08:40:42 pm
" But goddamn Tariq, can we get relationship or life advice once or twice a month that anyone, regardless of color, can utilize. I mean,"
Mr. Jon
3/29/2014 12:39:09 am
I agree with you "Um What".
Hors Sfier
3/30/2014 12:41:12 am
Then in that case you should stop listening to the UStream show and the podcast. Seems simple, no? There are plenty of shows with black people doing nothing but laughing and joking for you to enjoy. I still don't understand how people complain about free content. The Tariq's and the Dr. Umar Johnson's are ridiculously small percentage of what is out there for black men in particular. So I hope he keeps dropping this knowledge on our heads until enough brothers get out of that coma.
G Code
3/31/2014 06:00:03 am
You sound like a lame. Do you understand the world you live in, everything is interconnected. You can't learn one without the other anymore. He gives the social game to enlighten you towards things that's indirectly affects you and causes you to have the problems you have. Pay attention and quit sounding like a Biatchh!
Heavy Hitter
3/27/2014 03:06:56 am
The other stuff gets dry after while? Dumb ass niggas need to GTFOH. Kill ya self niggas. Go buy his books if you don't get enough game from the shows. Listen to the hundreds of archives at macklessonsradio.com. I'd rather hear that REAL game anytime. Shit is real in the field and the burdens of systematic white supremacy are heavy.
Hors Sfier
3/27/2014 01:30:06 pm
cosign on listening to the archives at mackelessonsradio.com
3/27/2014 03:23:17 am
Niggas don't understand how this is one big game and its all different spices in the same pot of soup. smh
Hors Sfier
3/27/2014 12:30:17 pm
Coon train express arrived in these comments. Black people spent the 80s and 90s getting entertained and distracted and have jack to show for it. That white supremacy machine is whipping our tails to the point of cultural extinction...and these coons want more entertainment? Tariq is able to tie together the complexity of the mack game to controlling emotions to the white supremacy tendency to the plantation mentality. After I learned enough game from Tariq, that FREED up my mind to focus on the machine and work with other brothers on pooling together money to get an independent company going.Tariq shines a light on a system that is physically, mentally and socially killing blacks, especially the men at an epidemic rate. We are in a state of emergency, black mens' lives are expendable, the current generation has no model of how to act properly to thrive...and these coons are asking for more entertainment?!? Then turn on Comedy Central...FOOLS.
3/27/2014 12:34:00 pm
Laughed so hard at the balls comment that the water I drank went straight thru my nose!
3/28/2014 01:17:05 am
Good show, I liked the end when you stated secure men vs non-secure men and you're spot on with that, broke dudes tend to run up on countless chicks, get dissed and when it happens often they hate women, stable men tend not to chase women and let women choose them.
Mr. Jon
3/29/2014 12:31:05 am
Mr. Flex,
Hors Sfier
3/29/2014 10:01:37 pm
You are either angry or your are scared with respect to where the black community is in America. We are at the bottom as a culture. The Native Americans at least have land over which they are sovereign.
3/31/2014 07:32:12 am
Seriously people...stop being thirsty for free game on these shows!! Tariq never had to do over 400 episodes of macklessonsradio, and a significant portion of TariqEliteRadio worth of FREE game for anyone! You niggas sound like bitches. Buy all of Tariq's books, read outside books on your own, and dress fly and the rest will come. Ya'll sound gay as fuck with all the whining when there are REAL issues that need to be addressed on these podcasts.
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