tariq_radio_232.mp3 |
Tariq talks about Black people always trying to save other groups.
6/21/2018 04:58:30 am
Another good show.If anyone remembers the movie,Which way is up .with Richard Pryor when he had the Mexican women and cheated on his wife.and had a baby by him she left him with one of the Mexican that played as his friend. Like neely fuller says in a organizations groups one acts like he or she is stronger then the other and there comes confusion this comes from slavery and the the W.S strive on this and all it does is strengthening white supremacy.
6/29/2018 08:58:53 am
Peace bro Tariq I need a mod
Hors Sfier
6/21/2018 11:09:18 am
That was an amazing show.
Mr. Jon
6/26/2018 11:44:58 am
Yea man. And if you ever look at an article on social media of a News network with a large Latino fan base (Fox News Houston for example) they'll go in just as hard (If not harder) than w.s. do anytime someone black is killed.
Hors Sfier
6/28/2018 09:35:59 am
Yeah, I understand enough spanish to know what is going on in those Latino communities. I don't see marrying one of their women as a step up unless she claims the Afro part of Afro-Latina. The white media in my area only puts out negative images of latinos, rapes, domestic violence, etc.
Sweet T
6/26/2018 03:30:39 am
No doubt. These dayz, I don't trust anything. I’ve gotta see evidence.
Mr. Jon
6/26/2018 11:46:46 am
Check this out:
6/30/2018 01:09:04 am
It's a war and they have declared war on black people in America,babies and all this has become Nazi Germany,and black people are just rapping and dancing all the way to the box cars.
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