tariq_radio_294.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq talks about getting on code.....
9/29/2019 10:44:05 am
Reparations for what's owed to us will happen for...us blacks descendants of slaves...as long as we are on code...we must be on code and in war tactic mode on the environmental front as well...Trump is rolling back all of environmental regulations that will exponentially effect blacks ...He is destroying the Stuarts of this earth (plants and streams that replenish oxygen and other components of a ecosystem) that have took thousands of years to form...The importance of the environment to us is because we cannot allow our selves to get caught up in democrats and republicans beefs but who ever will make our agenda work... as mentioned, the next war will include biological and environmental and knowing how much lead poison people are putting in black areas, radon poison, CO, CO2, CO3, sulfate in our air will be of most importance to us as evident in Flint ...knowing how to utilize natural resources, how to fix the problems and knowing stream quality is part of winning for us as blacks ...Trump must be out of the way if we expect to start or fix anything ...if we do not want our water to to be completed or contaminated within the next 5 years, he must be gone and it is serious because he is single handedly destroying every aspect of sustaining our environment and will continue to destroy it unless we realize and press the eject button. ONCE IT'S GONE THERE IS NO BRINGING IT BACK...
9/29/2019 10:36:55 pm
Trump is just a figurehead, Whitesupremacy existed before him and will exist after him if its not countered.
Danny Akens
10/10/2019 05:43:08 pm
Yes he is only a figure head for whitesupremacy...and in terms of reparations he is irrelevant, but in terms of destroying our natural resources he needs to be removed yesterday ....he is solely responsible for uprooting all our resources...and is stopping anyone (not just government agencies) but anyone from turning it around...These are resources we will lose...water is a cycle, air is a cycle, if this cycle is broken (Trump is motivating and allowing piplines, businesses allowed to pollute in black american areas, trees destroyed, closing of parks, killing of key species for trees) it can never be fixed...I know it might not be important to some because we might not see it directly because you are still breathing , and still drinking water but we have about 10 years left of Drinking water and clean air...Research the kneeling curve...and look at pollution in the air records....
Michale Roy
9/30/2019 12:40:34 pm
Yo what's up Tariq. You are doing a fantastic job. I'm on board with the reparations movement 100%. We will eventually receive what's do to us. I do want to correct you on one thing fam. I am an ADOS but I am also a federal law enforcement officer on an Indian Reservation. Many Native Americans do not receive anything from the government except commodities (which is like SNAP) and IHS (Indian Health Serivces). The reservation where I live and work has oil and gas so all enrolled members get disbursement checks quarterly of about $1500.00 per person and another $2000.00 for each child that you have under the age of 18. Some enrolled members own land on the reservation and get royalties from the oil produced there. This can be millions of dollars a year going to single person or members of a family if they all own the land in common. None of this oil and gas money comes from the federal government however.
10/3/2019 12:31:08 am
We are the dark matter that holds this entire western civilization together. If not our melanin and labor then our minerals on the dark continent. It is time that we tap into that energy for ourselves and create some white supremacy anti-matter.
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