tariq_radio_295.mp3 |
Tariq Nasheed talks about the sentence in the Amber Guyger case.....
Mister Jones
10/2/2019 05:16:48 pm
Fuck YouTube.. Can I live listen here from now on?
Shawn banger
10/2/2019 05:18:09 pm
Thank you for posting this
10/2/2019 05:38:37 pm
I tried to listen to the full clip of his brother, but I had to turn that shit off once the dude started talking about forgiveness smgdh. This bitch text messages have already shown she doesn’t give a fuck about his black ass or his forgiveness... Religion has mentally crippled to many black people and this nigga is exhibit fucking A smgdh."
10/3/2019 04:51:34 am
Yeah, I agree. Religion and done a number on us. You have to remember last year when Botham's mom got on t.v. she said (paraphrase) I'm a good Christian woman who forgives.
10/3/2019 08:05:16 am
That’s the same thing I’ve been thinking. All 5 black jurors agreed with the 10 yrs? I’ve been on a jury before and that’s some bs. Any of them could’ve simply said what’s the standard penalty for like offenses and it would’ve been a fair sentence. I have many friends in TX that have gotten way more for possession and I’m sure those black jurors DO TOO. Just BS!
Stella Newton
10/3/2019 08:10:00 pm
Love the radio shows.
tracey tatum
10/3/2019 10:19:47 pm
Chris C.
10/2/2019 05:56:31 pm
They can’t stop the truth ✊🏾
King Henny
10/2/2019 06:01:20 pm
Kel C.
10/2/2019 06:04:18 pm
Stay on their necks brother!✊🏿
Jaz H.
10/2/2019 06:10:34 pm
Keep doing what you doing OG stay on these WS & coons necks! -Jaz from Bham, AL
B Goo
10/2/2019 06:14:56 pm
I know all the ADOS brothers were yelling at the the TV when his brother gave his testimony.
10/2/2019 06:27:37 pm
And don’t forget Botham TOLD his best friend to always refer to him as “her black friend Bo...” in texts and hashtags on IG
Jason Knox
10/2/2019 06:45:51 pm
Damn YT is up to their usual BS to 🚫 the discussion of this case, thankfully the New Black Media cannot be railroaded I'm grateful. I've seldom seen such a putrid display of cooning in a court. You guys did warn us about these immigrant coons. I'm appalled by the sentence and subsequent folly afterwards. Forgiveness is again the coin of this realm making black folk a joke and a target to the world, sickening.
Dark X
10/3/2019 10:39:08 pm
I agree YT always doing this white supremacy bs on Black YouTubers channels but protect their White YouTubers channels you can't do no wrong like putting threats on people, trying to murder their spouses, child abuse, denied the LGBTQ connections to molestation and pedophilia drug use, racism and etc.
Soyini Grimes
10/2/2019 06:54:03 pm
I'm so happy for your website!!
Kiara L
10/2/2019 06:54:15 pm
Glad you have a back up. That’s some bullshit YouTube on
10/2/2019 08:04:11 pm
Tammy the Mammy even gave her her bible! *sigh*
10/2/2019 08:38:43 pm
There was a letter in that Bible i am sure
Renee Thomas
10/4/2019 11:02:39 am
Probably were escape instructions! Lolol
10/13/2019 04:01:34 pm
That's what I said!! Probably told her what to say on that stand & e'rythang.Told her to stick with on the "inside" so she'll be protected while she's having her "staycation" @ Club Fed --- I mean,"jail." 🙄
Ike Diamond
10/2/2019 08:09:30 pm
Can’t ever with these rodents in the dugout!
10/2/2019 08:21:16 pm
This is a reinforcer to start our own clique of like-minded Blacks, develop a code of conduct, an economy, a vetting system, and a defense system. We have to keep bLACKS out because they're the ones who're bringing down Black society.
10/3/2019 10:15:09 pm
Wtf are you takin about?
10/13/2019 03:49:44 pm
He's talking about black lackies, i.e., 🦝s, who are only black on the outside & not on the inside.
Renee Thomas
10/4/2019 11:03:41 am
10/2/2019 08:46:51 pm
Wuddup tho Flex? In the summer of '06 I was on tether @ home bored as hell! I came across your 1st macklessons podcast on a humbug while on blackgirlonline. I been following you ever since.
10/2/2019 11:34:54 pm
Glad you got this website, bbut real talk if you at the way he and family was raised .. this wasn't a surprise for me ... horrible but not surprising...smh
Bass Reeves
10/3/2019 01:51:19 am
I have seen people on facebook and twitter talking about religion and the impact it has had on black people but the true religion is white supremacy. White Supremacy has broken these people.
10/3/2019 04:54:31 am
yeah, that would be awesome.
Andre Helm
10/3/2019 12:34:42 pm
Tariq thank you. This episode was Powerful and I mean Powerful ✊🏾
10/3/2019 05:32:16 pm
I hope that you fight youtube and get this video put back up. I know it is a hassle but Black people need to hear this and youtube is where more are. Thank you for your service Tariq. I wish I could pin a medal on your ass.
Silque Black
10/3/2019 07:25:37 pm
I was thinking the same thing that he just wanted to get upon that woman and get with her. And I was 2nd guessing myself about my thoughts...thinking maybe I'm crazy. Nice to know im not. LOL
Richie C
10/3/2019 07:59:31 pm
No, Botham didn't have any black friends. From the testimony of that white woman who was suppose to be his best friend, I can't see him having one black friend.
tracey tatum
10/3/2019 10:30:39 pm
Green Card is about to expire-so play the Christian Ni**ger. Even Jesus whipped asses in the Bible! DESPICABLE!
10/3/2019 11:07:05 pm
Thank you for the great information family and I definitely is going to stay locked in to this sight right here, respect family one.
Mr 4th Quarter North Of Da Boarder
10/4/2019 06:53:06 pm
I'm curious if this judge gives the families that these race soldiers killed a hug too! I'll wait . Also does she cry with the families, and how harsh is she on sentencing brothers!
Revolutionary Times
10/5/2019 03:10:50 pm
I just came here to say Fuck Youtube. Good Work King Flex. Keep Empowering us with this information.
10/8/2019 09:40:12 am
Brother Tariq hit it RIGHT on the mf nose about anyone who's got something against him. Anytime I see a negative comment its always someone that is or in support of coons and negro lgbt
10/13/2019 04:28:55 pm
What was the point of paying for a defense team for Amber Guyger?? The Jean Family provided all the defense she needed for free!! What was the point of wasting the time & 💰 of black taxpayers that goes into a trial, when we after actually get a chance to stick it to WS with an appropriate verdict/sentence, the victim's family tells the perp. "We forgive you"; "I hope we can be friends one day"; "I don't want you to go to jail. 😒" Well, hell . . . If you don't want her to go to jail, what was the muthaf$#@&_ point of the trial??!! The minute you heard your brotha was killed by this neanderthug, lice-infested, bologna-breath, smelling-like-wet-🥔 chips murderess --- they could've just said, "Don't bother with an investigation. We forgive her & we don't want to take away from her reaching her full potential in life by making her do time in jail," & that would have been that. But, NOOOO. This family got us all invested in their plight ---- cuz their plight is our plight--- & then they undo all of the energy, time, & 💰 we've invested into them & this case. I know 1 thing . . . If another member of the Jean family EVER gets killed by a white 👦👧 person again, they'd BET' NOT report it or I'M coming for they asses. Misrepresenting the collective like that . . . Bastards!!
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