tariqradio31.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq talks about the case of the killer Elliot Rodger and simps like him. ![]()
We the people
5/28/2014 10:19:56 pm
He should of sent Stacey Dash a friend request.
6/3/2014 04:41:14 am
@ 21:00 Tariq claims his "game" is not associated with pick-up artist but wants other pick-up artist to acknowledge the influence he's had on him. What fuckin' shit is that?!
5/28/2014 10:52:06 pm
Hes a hero :)
5/28/2014 11:16:30 pm
This privileged little shit posses me off all the money and rights and still he ain't shit
5/28/2014 11:34:37 pm
A rehash of sunday's ustream show.
5/28/2014 11:45:06 pm
Tariq thanks for the shout out on your show. You are correct they are trying to associate me with pua's and this kid finally popping his dome due to a analysis video that I did on Elliot Rogers the day before he finally went out to accomplish his jacked up agenda.
5/29/2014 02:05:18 am
I remember Trashman. He was funny, stalkerish, messy, and stupid all at the same time. He went to jail over the Gerber baby food situation. He got out and faded away.
Hors Sfier
5/29/2014 08:30:42 am
Tariq that was an awesome show. I work in corporate America and I can tell you, no one obsesses over where black d1ck is going more than white men. Early in my career, white guys would ask me if I was into white girls. Different white guys in different cities. That was a weird question for a man to ask another. So that tipped me off to the insecurity.
Mr. Jon
5/30/2014 01:23:43 pm
White guys have a weird, unnatural obsession with black dick... It's kind of creepy!
5/29/2014 01:09:44 pm
I been listening to Tariq since he first started. I also listen to Stephen A. Smith when I get a chance. Both of them say some real shit. However Stephen A. Smith is not a coon at all. Either Tariq doesn't listen to Stephen A. on the regular or he really does not like seeing another Black man shining in the media. Stephen A. works for ESPN yet he's always bringing up racial issues on network television. Most sports hosts never go where he goes on the regular. A coon would not go at whites the way Stephen A does. People criticize him whenever he states what Black people should do. And the advice he gives be 100% correct. Pointing out that Mark Cuban is a scary acting guy whether it's a white guy with a baldy and tats or a Black guy with a hoodie does not means he's racist, it means he's scary. And Tariq should pump his brakes with all the coon talk, because him playing a character called the Congressional Pimp with Michael Moore was coonish. Reinforcing Black male stereotypes for the masses is some Stepin Fetchit shit. And it's obvious that Tariq wants to work with Tyler Perry that's why he gives him a pass for crossdressing in movies. Years ago Tariq used to diss cats crossdressing. Tariq spits great game and advice, but calling Black men coons that he disagrees with is some reckless shit.
Hors Sfier
5/30/2014 06:21:30 am
"People criticize him whenever he states what Black people should do."
5/30/2014 12:41:18 pm
Is there racism in this country towards Black people that "present" themselves well? Of course there is. But lets deal with the odds of you getting hassled if you are suited and booted. I'm speaking generally, not specific cases of racism. Being someone that grew up in one of the roughest cities in this country and eventually moved to the suburbs I can speak from both angles.
Hors Sfier
5/30/2014 03:11:03 pm
Nice try but you put up a lot of weak, bogus straw men arguments to knock down, as though I had presented them as justification for a victim mentality. Way to win a debate...with yourself.
5/31/2014 12:32:42 pm
Let me address you again because you obviously lack reading comprehension skills. But first your little comment about straw men arguments was hilarious. You were the one to reply to my comment. You cherry picked certain things to respond to and then created some other shit to delve into. So who's really engaging in straw man arguments? The onus was on you to respond to my points. So marinate on that for a minute!
Hors Sfier
5/31/2014 01:47:59 pm
I have "officially" been ethered? So this dude thinks he's Tommy Sotomayor now? That's all I need to know. Carry on homie. And I don't "holla" at dudes. That's suspect.
5/31/2014 05:00:02 pm
Suspect? Nah I'm a thorough cat, but you and your white male co-workers discussing your love for white women and who knows what else was some suspect shit. You disappointed me duke, with all of your psychobabble and lame rhetoric, I thought that you would respond better than that. It was cool to see you gracefully bow out and maybe you'll take this L as a learning experience.
Phaddi Snaxx
5/31/2014 11:04:57 pm
"Wise 06/01/2014 12:00am" I am saying you are full of baloney, these corporate white people are the most racist, because they use extra legal means to oppress you and you can't even call the law on them. Let them get Deloitte and Touche on you and use professional investigators and honeytrappers following you around daily, all the suits in your closet won't save you from their harassment. You are in a safe zone now, but let white people start accusing you of ANYTHING and watch those white "friendships" crumble into dust... you and Stephen Smith are the same, no wonder you don't think he's a coon...
5/29/2014 06:09:08 pm
Affluenza??....Are you serious???...How many mental illnesses are they going to pull out of their ass defend this nonsense. This dude let his anger and frustration blind him from a very important factor about women. Its not just the money that attracts them, as a matter of fact its not really the money at all, but the drive and determination that a man has to get money and be successful. This dude was born into a privileged life and pretty much every woman around L.A. knew it. They knew because of this he had to do very little to get where he was at in life and that in itself was a turn off to them. This dude should have took that energy and used it to try to establish something of his own separate from his father. Hell, if push came to shove move out of L.A. to do it! Women knew he was a spoiled little douche and wanted nothing to do with him. He let racial hatred and insecurity inhibit him from doing an HONEST examination of himself and creating a resolution to his issues....sad story.
5/29/2014 08:07:31 pm
You the real MVP Tariq!
Mr. Jon
5/30/2014 01:27:20 pm
Lose me with the Steven A. Smith bullshit!
5/30/2014 03:29:05 pm
On the story with the dude who won prom queen, what I wanna know is who won prom king and how did that King and queen dance play out?
5/31/2014 07:11:29 am
To be honest the PUA now days don't use all that mystery method and David Deangelo Cocky funny bullshit. Now days a lot of the times like Sasha Pua, Simple Pickup, and a few others don't talk about that magic tricks, tricks, and routines. They actually advise against those things because it's not real or natural.
5/31/2014 07:44:16 am
Tariq could you do a Macklessons Radio on Mack/Dating Expert vs PUA game?
5/31/2014 07:57:09 am
Can you do a show like China's "1 out of 100"? Since you are a dating expert. This show in China is basically a way for them to program modern thinking. They use the show to program modern social values into their viewers. Many of these people aren't really looking for a date.
5/31/2014 09:50:44 am
I find this Elliot Rogers kid to be very interesting and sad. His case is eye opening in a way. I'm almost finished reading his manifesto and can confidently say I've been in his shoes and understand where he was coming from. The awkward high school career, and how I had to buy sex first in college to UNDERSTAND that isn't what the goal is. That made us different but all the feelings were similar.
teena barket
6/27/2014 11:26:50 am
First time radio listener, but many times listener for hidden colors 1, 2, and 3. I love the discussions and slick, jazzy background music. Keep up the good work.
teena barker
6/27/2014 11:34:55 am
Tariw, I did not know you used such flavorable language. I like it though. The language fits well with the passion of the explanation. Cool
6/27/2014 11:37:58 am
I meant, Tariq. The English, American, and Webster dictionary will not accept, " Tariq"
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