tariqradio45.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq talks about the Ray Rice situation. ![]()
david richardson
9/10/2014 02:01:09 pm
N Plain English
9/11/2014 11:03:35 am
The more I listen to ESPN or News Reporters the more I am starting to realize. This country does not want to have anything to do with Justice. Justice Requires Humility and Wisdom not Knee Jerk Reactions. Firing Ray Rice & Roger G. does not stop 1 woman from being knocked out.
9/10/2014 02:17:49 pm
Sean Connery did an interview with BARBARA WALTERS talking about how he slaps his women....listen to what Barbara says at the end of the video.
9/10/2014 02:48:13 pm
You beat me to it (no pun intended). Sean Connery proudly admitted to slapping women when they "get out of line".. And was asked again in an interview years later and still proudly admitted to slapping women.
One of the videos
9/10/2014 02:50:04 pm
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzXkbJwrN38 Connery video on Youtube.
Hors Sfier
9/10/2014 06:38:21 pm
@One of the videos
N Plain English
9/11/2014 10:14:55 am
War Machine's name is Jonathan Koppenhave
Pierre Mathis
9/10/2014 02:27:03 pm
We need to see more evidence...
Well done, Tariq
9/10/2014 03:05:22 pm
Your advice is a perfect counter racist code. Just like the white people act ignorant and claim they need to see more evidence, black people should do the same when white people try to get them to throw other black people under the bus.
9/10/2014 03:36:36 pm
This is The Birth of a Nation 2014 we see happening right now but instead of using white actors in black face they are using real blacks and paying them off. This entire situation is racist propaganda being used to the utmost degree to demonize the image of the Black Man. Its also funny that this is comming out around same time the movie No Good Deeds portraying black actor Idris Alba as a Psychopath preying on women. They are using a combination of the media and hollywood to justify our destruction.White Supremacy is really going in on us....Be safe my brothas, keep your eyes and ears open. Great thorough analysis Tariq, as always.
9/16/2014 10:15:13 am
I'm letting it be known that we recognize this faux feigned outrage and not falling for it. We're not throwing our brothers under the bus.
Hors Sfier
9/16/2014 03:36:39 pm
I respect sisters like you who are hip to the game and if not, are at least willing to listen. We need to separate ourselves from the coons and coonettes. That is the only way that black people in America will ever survive.
9/10/2014 07:56:12 pm
It's not like this two people are blind to the ills of domestic violence. Domestic violence is not just centered on the individual homes of families. Domestic violence is reflective of a homeland which has used violence fear and intimidation on it's very citizens. It's sad, it appeared he (Ray Rice) did not care but it could have been he did not know what to do. I'm not defending him I'm saying it's their life. They want to live it regardless of the outcomes. They are private citizens with no true greater obligation to this country and it's pseudo-morality. If we leave it up to the white dominated media they will be the poster children for all the problems which exists in America. Hence, being the mask and distractions from the plantation city of Ferguson Mo and for the four recent police murders of Eric Warren, Mike Brown (18 year old he was a baby can you imagine your baby being murdered like this) Ezell Ford and get this John Crawford was killed in an Ohio Wal-Mart an "open carry" state as he was walking around the store with an air rifle. I must remind also everyone none of the officers have been charged! So it's business as usual create a distraction promote more black inferior and hide white supremacy behind the private lives of two citizens. You know it's funny how all of a sudden TMZ got this footage. Yes he was wrong but so are so many other thousands of people who commit domestic violence, they aren't making the news rotations. Oh he's a football player big effing whoop.
9/10/2014 09:07:54 pm
For some reason black people have been letting white manipulate them even in africa.
Hors Sfier
9/11/2014 01:32:26 am
Hundreds of years of conditioning will do that to you. Black entertainers, for all of their fame and millions are the most neutered group out there. They have absolutely zero power once the cameras turn off.
9/16/2014 10:18:24 am
Chris Carter is one of them, too. Like Tariq says, they better say the right thing if they want continued success.
Hors Sfier
9/16/2014 03:42:53 pm
Hors Sfier
9/11/2014 01:23:59 am
Man, I hope these athletes finally wise up to what is happening. The white press keeps asking black people and only black people to give answers as a set up.Whenever white people ask athletes these questions they need to do what Arian Foster and Cam Newton have been doing to the press...give a trolling answer. No one finds it odd that black athletes are only asked to criticize other black athletes.
Hors Sfier
9/11/2014 01:54:22 am
Damn these mind tricks and deflections. The funny thing is, black women are the fastest to claim domestic abuse and violence because the prison system will happily arrest a black man just on the accusation. Other ethnic groups, except for maybe non-white Hispanics, can get a pass if they talk to the police right.
9/11/2014 07:15:45 am
Wait...so its white supremacists fault that you beat up your girl in an elevator then get put on blast for it? How about don't beat up your girl in an elevator then white supremacists and "the coon train" won't have any ammo to make an example of you. Regardless of what past celebrity woman beaters did. Here is Tariq's argument: 1) I rob a bank and get caught red handed 2) I'm all over the news for robbing the bank 3) You didn't put other bank robbers in the news, you just put me cause I'm black. Weak logic...don't rob the flippin bank to begin with then "white supremacist" will find something else to do in the meantime. Cops shooting unarmed black males = white supremacy. Media airing your dirty laundry = your own dayum fault.
9/11/2014 09:04:05 am
no the point is call it all out. sean penn is serial ass kicker yet people still reward him with awards. charlie sheen whooped denise richards ass and nothing was said. michael fassbender is known to whoop a woman's ass yet women still love him. just call it all out or dont say anything/
9/16/2014 10:21:13 am
Yes!! I couldn't believe it! And William Koch!
9/30/2014 12:11:05 am
It's such a problem when black males judge themselves using white male behavior. It's white males nature to violate his females and fellow males for that matter as well as dogs and livestock and children. Black males following white males is a big part of what has the black community in the toilet it's in. The bottom line in terms of abuse against black women and children, the immediate danger comes from black males. Will there come a time when black males are concerned about protecting and defending black women or will they continue to rape her (breeding) when the white man slave owner tells him to and beat her when the white man plantation owner tells him to?
Phaddi Snaxx
9/11/2014 11:39:44 am
@HP, you dumb coon, he said to acknowledge ALL of the domestic violence that celebrities no matter what their race, status, etc do. Listen again, although for some reason I am sure you will miss it... Some women need an a$$ whipping, especially here in America. It's the number one reason I just stopped dealing with females in this country and have my fun "abroad". Long story short, this one chick had a one night stand with me while she was a sorta homie's girlfriend. She got this symp so riled up he pulled a knife on me in the club! Is anybody, man, woman, cat, dog here gone try and tell me that bitch didn't deserve an a$$ whippin? I chilled and just scared the bitch out at the end of the long story (its a good one), because she was a broke bitch - it would hurt her more not to have no access to me
Hors Sfier
9/11/2014 12:02:49 pm
@HP. The point that you miss and that sadly and tragically most people miss, is that Ray Rice is replacing Chris Brown as the demonic black man. None of those white people care what happened to Janay.
9/17/2014 03:54:02 am
I know who is in the prisons I was a drug councelor for ex-con drug offenders for 2 years(some were black, some weren't.) I agree that going to prison don't make no sense that's why you have to be smart and don't put youself or your loved ones in the position to have to deal with that kind of garbage. What Ray Rice did was an example of the mama's boy phenom. These lessons he should have learned as a small child. that's what no strong male figures get's you. The media has always crucified us black males but guess what, we still gotta eat. You seem to be alright and you black. I'm doing alright and i'm black right? We from the same places he's from.
9/14/2014 06:47:04 am
9/14/2014 06:53:04 am
im with you on this one. All I could think was if it was my daughter that got knocked out, Ray Rice would have a bigger problem than the dominant society, ME.
Hors Sfier
9/16/2014 04:13:47 pm
Actually,if you attacked Ray Rice, then you would go to jail, plain and simple. The police would have no problems putting you, a black man in jail.What part of this scenario is hard to understand? You and the black people like you keep choosing these societal dead ends: making a bad situation worse.
9/17/2014 02:16:32 am
symp? Ray Rice is the symp. If you want to help him send him a certified copy of The Mack Within. He Prolly should've read it before he got with home chick. Would've did that nigga some good. I ain't never had to put my hands on no women to get what I needed. They just give my shit. That fool can't even get respect in his own home and talkin' about building a nation? It starts with family and I don't co-sign dusty nigga shit. I would die for my family man. Jail is a small price to pay to keep my kin folk safe. It's called being a fuckin' man and not a scared little boy like Ray. And the cold part is he's RICH and still can't get no respect in his home. Shit and his stupid ass still married her. If he would've read the Mack Within he wouldn't of done it.
Hors Sfier
9/17/2014 03:31:45 am
Mr. G
9/11/2014 08:13:33 am
Will you stop using Stephen A as a reference? That dude is a clown. Like he didn't say what he said about Trayvon, etc.
9/11/2014 02:46:23 pm
Tariq, I'm a long time listener, have all of your books/movies and have attended your lectures.
9/11/2014 02:54:43 pm
I feel you bro.
9/11/2014 03:39:25 pm
'If Janay was my daughter, there nothing you could do to keep me of his azz. '
9/11/2014 11:01:39 pm
I think the point he is trying to make is that MOST sensible black people agree that Ray Rice was wrong and should be excoriated for what he has done. That doesnt mean that whites or any other races should not be defamed for what they have done. Ray Rice is wrong and if that was a family member of yours you would look at this guy as if he were scum.
9/14/2014 06:58:11 am
Malik exactly, the next headline in the news wouldve been, "MAN ARRESTED FOR PUTTING RAY RICE IN THE HOSPITAL" I could care less about the political ramification or what the "dominant society thinks." It's simple, you put your hands on her and I'm puttin my hands on you."
9/16/2014 01:40:16 pm
What happened to Janay was wrong and I certainly don't condone violence but it is a small part of the bigger picture. Right or wrong we need to maintain a united front just like they do. The unification will stop the pile on and victimization of black men once they see we stand together. However, your biggest problem is the black female. As long as she feels unwanted and disrespected this will continue
9/17/2014 08:46:17 am
BoomerGal, thats the dumbest shyt Ive heard in a long time. So we cant criticize Ray Rice and put him on blast because he's black?? Dude was wrong for Punching the crap out of his Fiance/mother of his child - PERIOD. Guys like this are terrible.
Hors Sfier
9/17/2014 01:30:42 pm
9/11/2014 03:08:26 pm
Remeber, Jesus Shuttlesworth's mom got kill by the oven after Denzel Washington hit her...
Hors Sfier
9/11/2014 07:04:35 pm
It is going to be interesting to see how Janay Rice can support herself and her children going forward. I wonder if Janay Rice will end up on public assistance rather than being supported by a man who can actually make a living? Hmmmm. You know, you would think this outcome was scripted. Black man in the system. Black woman and kids on welfare. Hmmmm.
9/16/2014 01:45:41 pm
Nail on the head, Hors. It is crystal clear.
9/12/2014 03:54:32 am
Exactly, sometimes it seems like black folks get slower by the second. I dont see how they cant see the whole picture when its so clear.
Southern fried
9/12/2014 04:17:15 am
Does the Ray Rice situation qualify for the white supremacist lottery or what? !
9/12/2014 04:24:53 am
I think it does because his life is fucked now. He has the scarlett letter of domestic violence lingering over his head and he's black...yea....try getting anywhere with that.
Mr. Jon
9/12/2014 05:38:53 am
Mr. Jon
9/12/2014 05:38:12 am
Man........ White people should REALLY be thanking blacks, otherwise white supremacy would not exist.
Hors Sfier
9/16/2014 04:29:16 pm
Yeah man. Black males make up a diminishing 7% of the population. Able-bodied black MEN make up even a smaller percentage, say 2-3%.
9/19/2014 04:08:45 am
Hors, some of these negropeans will just have to be left behind, that's it. There is no place for emotion in a war. I feel for them in their stupidity but they're dead weight. What's going to piss me off is when they want to jump on the bandwagon after the rest of us have done the heavy lifting.
9/12/2014 05:40:54 am
You might want to read this: http://time.com/author/feminista-jones/
Phaddi Snaxx
9/13/2014 01:48:03 pm
I saw her twitter before... She is one fat faced ugly female, that is why she hates the game of life so much! Looks like ronald mcdonald with black hair... She will never get no man, and will spend the rest of her days eating out her bohemian weed smoking girlfriends out in between their relationships with Eric Benet types
9/16/2014 01:52:44 pm
See Phaddi, you all have got to stop this. Black men and women have got to come together!! I think this should be the topic of a Hidden Colors 4! There should be no such thing as a "Black Feminists" group. That's terrible.
Phaddi Snaxx
9/17/2014 10:34:54 pm
Alright, you got me
The White Code
9/12/2014 05:55:16 am
The only reason the Commissioner is getting attacked by white feminist and other white groups, is because he's appears to have been protecting Ray Rice, which is against the white code. Remember the "White Supremacist Lottery" EP. Tariq made the point that once a black person is chosen to make an example out of, white people can't defend that black person. They wanted to go hard on Ray Rice months ago when the story first broke, but the Commissioner only suspended him two games, and Janey didn't press charges. That pissed white people off and this is the reason they leaked the video tape and they're now going after the Commissioner for breaking the white code.
9/12/2014 09:10:55 am
So based on these comments I should be rooting for Ray Rice and the white man is a devil?
Selective reading.
9/12/2014 10:36:09 am
Who said anything about rooting for Ray Rice?
Hors Sfier
9/12/2014 12:53:44 pm
Damn. In the Olympics of missing the point. Black people win gold every single time. If you think the topic is limited to Ray Rice then you are not built for what black people need to do. Good luck with that.
Phaddi Snaxx
9/13/2014 01:42:42 pm
"Jaquan" is a white supremacist feminist troll, I think. Well, "Jaquan", since you want to deflect, I will deflect with you - Gloria Allred said the murder of Trayvon Martin was "justice done" even after Zimmermann was freed! You want us to believe what she says?! You big captain save a hoe coon
Mr. Jon
9/13/2014 01:49:57 pm
It's a strawman argument... Arguing against a point no one said... It's a common tactic used by people who have no argument.
9/17/2014 08:59:39 am
Is "strawman" the only word you know?? Stop using it in everyone of your post.
Hors Sfier
9/17/2014 01:33:47 pm
9/13/2014 07:46:51 am
Here's a site by a sista who had her femnist V8 moment:
9/14/2014 08:32:28 am
Im just curious as to why black people only get mad and say what they would to Ray Rice if that was someone they love but when other races of men do the same thing they dont seem to care. The sheer anger,hatred and fire that I here comming from them with Ray does not come from them with other men. I dont even hear white people expressing so much anger toward Ray....mmm.interesting.... Dont get me wrong,what he did was totally foul and he should be punished but taking away his career, beating the man up,imprisoning or killing him is not going to solve a damn thing. Its water under the bridge, whats done is done. In reality both him and Janay lose because he was in a position to give his children and children's children a really good life and now that has been severely jeopardized.The man made a mistake and I do believe he is truly remorseful. The man needs help, that is clearly evident but kicking him out of league is not the help he needs. Janay could have died but she didn't and the way this is being handled it may end up hurting her more then his fist striking her.
9/14/2014 10:28:10 am
Because i'm a black man. What Ray Rice did directly effects our community and he has to be held accountable.
Hors Sfier
9/15/2014 08:07:22 am
Phaddi Snaxx
9/14/2014 10:47:24 am
There are plenty of things that affect our black community! Just like Tariq says, what did YOU do about Anthony Cumia? Or better yet, the police that went around raping several women?
9/14/2014 11:50:14 am
Your funny. lol First of all, I deal with the community for a living. my whole existence is helping others so spare me the coward crap! IRay Rice is gonna be held accountable for his actions period! It may not be pretty but it has to be done
Phaddi Snaxx
9/16/2014 11:18:38 am
Notice "phil" didn't say ANYTHING about the cases I mentioned, or about any/all of the injustices facing black people of either sexes? He wearing that new forum cologne "Eau De Propaganda Troll"
Phaddi Snaxx
9/14/2014 10:49:59 am
@ "phil" I am correcting "phil" (or whatever name he is using *today*) comments
9/14/2014 11:56:45 am
its my first time on here. ive been listening to tariq for years but I don't post usually.
9/15/2014 02:59:57 am
But I don't think he should be kicked off the team or Godell fired because it happened when he was at home and not at work and I have a problem with employers interfering(sp) with home life.
Hors Sfier
9/15/2014 08:11:25 am
"I just think he needs his ass whupped."
9/16/2014 10:18:47 am
yes, assed whupped. man can't put his hands on another without expecting retaliation. The old saying, "don't start none won't be none!" He's at the bottom of his life because of his own decisions. Where i'm from that type of stuff would get you beat. However I don't think its The NFL's job to discipline though. Charge with a crime yes, take his job from him when he wasn't even workin' when it happened NO. I think that's giving these companies too much power of your life.
Hors Sfier
9/16/2014 04:00:15 pm
Phaddi Snaxx
9/16/2014 11:12:49 am
"phil" is obviously a gigantic captain save a hoe, the type that gets shot by the wife that he trying to save. Everybody else done pointed out that the dude has paid the price, be he still talking shit about whupping a$$ and what not. Physical assault is the biggest form of disrespect towards another person. I think this fool is the type that want blacks to just "pray over" the murder of Trayvon and other people of color. So his reasoning is, if this hoodrat had stabbed or shot Ray Rice, he shouldn't do anything cause "she's a woman"... "phil" and all the other hoodrat loving symps on this topic can go join the FDSA (Future Dead Symps of America). He is either a symp or more likely, a propaganda agent
9/17/2014 08:54:00 am
I've read a lot of your stuff in this thread Phaddi and you are clearly WHITE SUPREMACIST troll. Please stop posting your rhetoric.
Phaddi Snaxx
9/17/2014 10:39:21 pm
wahahahaha! "Jaquan", er, "Leon" what part of any of my posts here have benefited White Supremacy? And, more importantly, HOW? I will expect a bulleted outline from you here detailing your point of view. Your one sentence callouts up in here sounds like baby VS
9/19/2014 04:21:27 am
Amen Leo!
Juls Gold
9/14/2014 02:59:31 pm
Great comments and episode Flex...
Hors Sfier
9/16/2014 04:32:25 pm
Some dude wrote an entire book on the felons in the NFL. There was no public outcry.
9/17/2014 03:36:20 am
Can black people ever figure out the hustle? NO! Why? They fail (every damn time!) to ask ONE simple question. Who is benefitting from this action, legislation or event? If you can answer that question it will be as clear as the nose on your face. Has anybody figured out WHY this outrage is happening NOW? I know, does anybody else?
9/22/2014 03:41:39 am
9/23/2014 08:37:59 am
I think its simple. If you have a woman that will try to put hands on you LEAVE its that simple. I think Deion Sanders had a incident with his wife and what did he do? Called the police. I had a homie who stuck around his BM arguing and what not and she sliced his arm up. He then pushed her off and afterwards she called the cops and he still went to jail. He was all messed up. As a black man you know what side the law is on so why risk it.
10/2/2014 10:20:39 am
Wait a minute brother Tariq! First I want to say I respect you brother, I don't know you personally, however I have been listening to the show for maybe 2 yrs on and off. In fact your show was the impetus to my pending divorce and 2 yr child custody battle in the courts here in upstate ny. So I have much love and respect for what your doing. Now brother I just got in from work. I drive an 18 wheeler for a living. Yeah I'm still on the plantation! But I was listening to one of the shows in which you made a reference to , who you call sorta moisture! You said that you had our brother served on his show. I must say for all intents and purposes seems like that move was definitely official. But you said that you would never go to the system of white supremacy and use it against another brother. Bruh what actually was that? Serving the brother with court papers on his show? Now I'm not taking sides because that's not what I personally do. But if having the brother served was not pitting the system of white supremacy against another Blaque Man! Then what was that bruh. If the courts are not the system literally the system of white supremacy? Anyway peace brother Tariq.
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