tariqradio46.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq talks about the Danielle Watts situation. ![]()
Hors Sfier
9/17/2014 02:35:14 pm
Reading up a bit on this Ms. Watts she seems like a nice lady, albeit quite naive. I am guessing she would date anyone but her acting career gives her more access to white dudes...but I digress.
Das Frann
9/18/2014 04:16:05 am
There are plenty of incidents where white men fail to "protect" their black "girlfriends" either purposely, or by just being a lame degenerate species. However, black women flock to these pasty bastards not because they have money, prestige, or character, but just because they are simply white. Tariq constantly says that very few black women are negro bed wenches. I guess he lives under a rock. The rate of black women dating and marrying white men has grown exponentially. I'm sure many of you have seen these whore's in the mall or at stores with their pasty white boyfriends. I'm sure many of you have gone to porn sites and you just see a plethora of black women sucking, fucking, and licking white men constantly with no shame. It kind of looks like many of them enjoy it. The sad part is, the more violent white racism becomes, the more black women submit to the oppressors. It's a sick trait bred into them like dogs from slavery. Never defend a negro bed wench, or a black woman/man who dates inter racially.
Hors Sfier
9/18/2014 05:00:12 am
Black people are a programmed people, including our dating patterns. Personally I don't care about dating preferences as long as the system remains just.
Mr. Jon
9/18/2014 06:12:19 am
Well to play the advocātus diabolī, women are attracted to POWER & STATUS.
Das Frann
9/18/2014 08:16:33 am
I understand the point about power and status, but even THAT is non-existent here. This Danielle Watts slut is with a chef who is an ex-con. What kind of power and status does this man posses ?.....zero. I could understand if it was a billionaire or a powerful politician or king of a country, but a Chef/Convict. There's no power there. Hell her own father, who is a lawyer, is more powerful in terms of status than her pasty boyfriend. Do you understand where I'm coming from? There's more to this than power. I work at a drug rehabilitation center, and 90% of our clientele are white. These men are on heroin, meth, pcp, crack, cocaine, and so much more. Damn near half of these men have black girlfriends. So that whole argument about black men not having power, so white men get all the play is a bunch of bullshit. It runs deeper than that. Besides, Asians are damn near just as powerful or more powerful in terms of economics than white men at this point in time. Even when the white man's economies are failing, black women flock to them like flies on a horses ass. smh. Disgusting bitches.
9/19/2014 04:38:45 am
PREACH Das Frann!!
9/19/2014 04:29:18 am
We're hunted b/c we're easy prey. Low hanging fruit, if you will and black folks don't see it.
Haji Abdullah
9/21/2014 03:46:36 pm
Dating White dudes in in the industry doesn't give anybody better treatment.
Phaddi Snaxx
9/24/2014 10:52:02 am
It was a good podcast as always. I just don't have no real opinion about this chick cause she look funny to me. Her family probably in that Jack and Jill shit Tariq talks about. She remind me of that white female NPC in GTA IV that is always yelling "Daddy, HELP!!!" I do think the reason Tariq doesn't go too hard on the chick is cause he has seen both the best and worst of young women of color
Haji Abdullah
9/17/2014 02:44:31 pm
I was with this chick till she opened her mouth. Turns up her "boyfriend" referred to her as a prostitute on his facebook page describing the reason for the cop showing up
Richie Domino
9/17/2014 03:46:43 pm
Crazy how I tried to share to facebook and it says this is an unsafe link. I guess so huh.
Moses Ssebandeke
9/17/2014 06:01:32 pm
I got the same problem lol
9/17/2014 11:22:47 pm
Contradictive to the max. She was wrong and we all know it and there is no excuse. I just don't practice victimology-based indignation which enables me to see straight through the lies and BS.
9/17/2014 11:44:23 pm
Good Job on this one Tariq I figured there was some wrong play on the cops end but leave it to suspected white supremacist and Coons to turn and act like there wasn't
Das Frann
9/18/2014 04:02:32 am
I totally disagree with Tariq on this one. He should not be defending the enemy, and by enemy I mean black women who date inter racially.With all that's going on in this country against black people, the killings, the imprisonment, the profiling, the disenfranchisement , no black person male or female should be sleeping with the enemy. Tariq contradicts himself a lot. He says in some shows that the coons and negro bed wenches are dangerous to the black community. Then in another show, like this one, he says I'm never going to throw another black person under the bus. Well if you refuse to throw dangerous people under the bus then you might as well not throw the white supremacists under the bus either. These snakes i.e. coons and negro bed wenches need to be ostracized and eradicated from our community. If we see them they should be spit on and beaten. They are no better than the kkk. We all need to just stick with our own kind. Not defend those who submit to our natural born enemy.
connie block
9/24/2014 01:05:44 pm
in a situation of a black person being faced with racism white supremacy, tariq will not side with white supremacy. he's consistent about that. as for when coons and bed wenches blast on other blacks to appease the dominant society, tariq goes in on they ass
9/18/2014 09:24:37 am
I think it was more of her think she is above the law rather than playing a bed wench card. A lot of celebrities, athletes and politicians are like this, they believe they are untouchable (which most times they are because they can buy their freedom). Had she been Laqueesha from around the way this encounter would have been a whole lot different.
Mind Over Matter
9/18/2014 04:11:11 pm
@Das Frann I agree, if you swim with the great WHITES you deserve to get eaten. She deserved every bit of that and some. Not everybody with melanin is a brotha or sista. As blacks in America we are at war against white supremacy and just like any war, you are going to have treasonous soldiers that die right beside the enemy. It's a terrible reality but a reality nonetheless. I admire how Tariq stands up for us but his energy was a little misdirected on this one. What's sad is that her rights can be violated a million times by the dominant society and she will still be on the white mans dick like its made of gold....I say let the sharks feast...Fuck her and him.
9/19/2014 04:48:18 am
From the AMEN corner, I couldn't have said it better myself. May the Universal God bless and keep you and all my beloved sisters!
9/19/2014 04:53:51 am
AND brothers! Lol! I didn't forget y'all.
N Plain English
9/18/2014 05:42:12 pm
The photo is really creepy .. If you scroll up it almost looks like her boyfriend is kissing a dude.
9/18/2014 06:25:18 pm
Flex stay Dropping jewels!
Mr. Jon
9/21/2014 01:43:28 am
I agree with most of what Tariq says, but unfortunately, this is another podcast where he loses me...
Mr. Jon
9/21/2014 01:54:24 am
On the topic of black women dating white men...
Hors Sfier
9/21/2014 04:04:22 am
"Black guys can date white women and still maintain our identity... I mean, we don't all start dressing and acting like Carlton Banks. Why do black girls feel the need to start doing so much extras when dating interracially?"
Mr. Jon
9/21/2014 11:47:28 am
Very good point.
Hors Sfier
9/21/2014 02:06:33 pm
"I noticed black women imitate white women, but oddly enough, white men imitate black men."
9/25/2014 05:17:48 am
Am I the only one who thinks these two look like two Meth Heads? They look awful, like two meth addicts or crackheads. Not trying to be mean but they look awful. She looks totally different from her pics online, like drugs stole her beauty. Or maybe w no makeup she looks bad.
Brian Shelby
10/12/2014 10:47:30 am
I had a friend of my ex-wife who hated black men due to her bad dating choices of black men in the past. She wanted to date a white man, but couldn't find a white man who would date her. So she joined a pen pal group and got with white guy who was in prison in Wisconsin, she lived in Houston. She even flew down there to Wisconsin to marry this dude while he was still in prison, bought a separate cell phone just to talk to him, etc. This woman even tried to get my ex-wife to join her, guilt her into doing it. Luckily, since I and my ex-brother in law worked in a prison and schooled her on how convicts con women into this type of relationship, she was able to resist it. Even my ex-wife would talk about getting with a white guy and having a baby, I couldn't tell at times if she was joking or not. The sad thing is that our sisters are making these choices not out of actually getting with a quality white dude, but just to get away from brothers. What is worse is that they don't seem to get that no matter who you date of any race, you have to make better choices in who you date, otherwise you will get the same type of dude or worse.
1/12/2015 12:33:22 pm
I'm confused as to what a bed-wench is. Is it a black woman who dates interracially ? Is it a black woman who is hyper-assimilated to white culture (well technical lack of culture) and who believes and supports the supremacy of Caucasians.
Keith Mcgaffie
4/10/2015 03:18:55 am
First of all there isn't a such thing as race that is a word and probably the only European/American origin word to make people think that we're not one of the same human. If there were a race as far as ginger then we are all Kemite Egyptians Sumerian annunaki ethiopian no and Noph since these are the origins of civilization and men kind. Definition of race means the ginger roots well they all rooted back to Kemite. With a sense of that being said and I like to say this a lot when it comes down to race us as blacks are beyond a race line of ethnics since everyone civilization are adaptated mutated from the kemtites then who to say we aren't beyond the human rim. We the only civilization to survive millions of years hell our ancestors walked the earth with dinosaurs we went around the world numerous of times before any other so called race was thought about because the sons and daughter races our brother and sister race all originated from the black men. Which put us at the head of the congregation of God gods with that being said if we are all Gods then how can race exist. Because we give power to the meaning of a word that doesn't exist as we usually do when we are put in the position to forcefully rather it mentally or physically subliminally or direct to believe in things that don't exist.
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