tariqradio60.mp3 |
12/25/2014 07:16:17 pm
Just looked at the title...let's go
12/25/2014 07:29:10 pm
Tariq was right on point when he said that this dude was trying to get back with his broad. Dude tried to downplay it only to later admit it. Everything that dude tried to deny he later admitted. Tariq be code-reading these motherfuckers.
12/25/2014 08:26:06 pm
It's nice to have a set of codes but black americans still aren't organized. The only place we're organized is the black church. The black church is where black americans have been organized in the past but it's become overun by crooks and criminals. If black americans want to be on the same message, it almost has to be at the black church. Before you all start on the history of christianity, I KNOOOOW. But the black church is a resource. Black atheists, if you don't like the black church, it would be a better idea to go and change it from within than to let our best resource go to waste. If you think it's bad now, wait to see what'll happen if we lose the black church as well. It can get worse.
I know im black
12/27/2014 05:54:57 am
has the new meaning for the word organize become segregate.. you don't need a meeting place or to be on the same page when you just simply can segregate
Phaddi Snaxx
12/28/2014 05:40:21 am
There are crooks and charlatans in the church true enough. But there are several factors affecting the black churches' viability in the quest for equality. 1. Black churches are full of coons and get-along good Negroes who want to pray and hope things get better 2. Black churches are largely matriarchal, as a result of so many men not finding value there - for various reasons - therefore they do not behave logically, but rather emotionally. 3. Black churches mainstay members have died off, now we got born-again hoodrats doing praise dances in booty shorts in front of the pulpit... the list goes on. The black church may be part of the movement, but it will NEVER be like it was in the fifties and sixties.
12/28/2014 08:36:01 pm
I never said the black church wasn't any of those things. The black church is a resource with a pre existing infrastructure. Yes, it's broken, but maybe the answer is to fix it instead of throwing it away. btw, I'm not religious but logically it makes sense.
Hors Sfier
1/1/2015 11:32:13 pm
Yeah, I have to concur with this. The black church and black gospel music are the only places in America where blacks still run things. Most productive blacks I know are involved in the church, mostly because it is friendly to black families and there is still some concept of a code of behavior. Yes a lot of preachers are failed drug dealers and failed pimps. Yet I would prefer to rebuild than start from zero. For one you have property and for two you have a target demographic.
Agent Q
12/26/2014 12:26:28 am
Tariq you need to do a show just about black codes, you talk about a little but never go deep in to it. we need more codes.
Hors Sfier
12/26/2014 06:14:29 am
Just look at the Jewish code, with respect to Israel and the Jewish diaspora, and appropriate those codes and we are done.
Agent Q
1/1/2015 12:23:19 pm
ok thanks make sense
Hors Sfier
1/1/2015 11:41:36 pm
Sure. Other races have no problem profiting off of the fruit of black people. Black people should freely copy that which serves our interests. Look up that Pakistani AQ Khan. My man straight jacked the designs for nuclear weapons and used that to keep his people in Pakistan from getting invaded. There is a Chinese dude who spent years running ballistic missile programs for the US then went home to China to teach the Chinese what he had learned in the USA. And the list goes on and on... Black folk just want white people to pat them on the head. Killing that mindset is part of code.
They Dont Hear Me Tho
12/26/2014 01:45:52 am
Nobody is going to pull out a gun and aim at a cop just to show him he has a gun in THIS environment. I find this interesting that this happens after the murder of those NYPD police. If this was some kind of "get back" it was done because they knew the murder of those cops were fresh in the minds of the public, so saying he had a gun immediately garners belief from the dominant society who have already bought into black stereotypes.
12/26/2014 07:24:25 pm
You are right about avoiding groups of whites in this current climate and actually it has always been dangerous for black men in this country to be around too many whites. It will be your word against theirs if something happens that is if you live to tell your side of the story.. I also try not to go out after dark if I don't have to. Night time if the perfect time for a racist cop to kill and then claim it was self defense and plant a gun.
Phaddi Snaxx
12/28/2014 05:49:45 am
The thing is the two dead cops wasn't White. I think this might be like a "Shield" episode, where these two cops worked for Internal Affairs on the low and they got somebody to merk them. All the White cops in that area and this "brother" ran up and merked them, then kilt hisself? Naw... at the very least, this was done to silence somebody, maybe "Brother cops" that were sympathetic to the plight of people with color in the that community. Just like this thing with Sony. Sony is definitely Illuminati with that eye behind blinds logo of theirs. North Korea has been fighting against Western imperialism and they can't keep killing these leaders like they did Chavez and Castro - takes forever. The Interview is free Imperialist propaganda underwritten with CIA dollars, my guess... Not too mention the intense beef Japan got with Koreans and Chinese for like forever and a day
Courtney H.
12/26/2014 04:53:46 am
@ Everybody:
Frederick Brooks
12/26/2014 04:58:13 am
What up Tariq, it's funny how the police response regarding, one cop killer Eric Dorner in Cali, compared to another cop killer Eric Frien (white) in Pennsylvania. Mr Dorner was barbecued while the other was taken in without incident.
12/26/2014 02:46:35 pm
I like TI but I love Hip Hop so therefore I can't cosign Iggy Azalea. Lets not beat around the bush, TI is a great artist but first and foremost he's about his paper and not the culture in a pure sense. Iggy is a modern day menstrel of black women and I find her persona highly offensive. If she would just act like the white chicks in Australia then implement that into Hip Hop I could respect it, but the way she acts on her songs and videos is not her real personality and that's were the problem lies.Ok, I can deal with her not being a lyrical battle artist like Em, not are all artist are built for that, but if she would just be authentic and stop trying to be something she's not and respect the game I would give her a chance. Otherwise, she needs to be called out and kicked out like Vanilla Ice.
Good Show and Happy Holidays
12/26/2014 04:58:08 pm
Great year filled with great shows. You're right as usual about the racism that is clearly going on and the double standards. Don't be suprised if they photoshop that footage to make it look like that kid had a gun. They claimed they're currently "enhancing the video." So get ready for it. I don't believe nothing the police and the mainstream media reports. I only believe what the eyewitnesses saw.
Courtney H.
12/27/2014 03:28:37 am
Yup. I agree with you 100%.
Phaddi Snaxx
12/28/2014 06:01:31 am
I feel like I wrote this and I ain't even listened to the podcast yet! I am definitely in agreement. I saw some skinheads in Sweden, but they seemed either starstruck, like wow! and nudging each other, or so shook they wouldn't make eye contact (one guy on a bus). I was walking around Sodermalm and saw two of them and thought it was about to go down so I walked into a nearby dark alley and grabbed a loose brick but they didn't follow
12/28/2014 04:46:40 am
Most of Iggy's fans are white so why should we care about her success? She owes black peoples nothing, saying otherwise comes across as envy and sour grapes. It makes us look possessive and weak.
Phaddi Snaxx
12/28/2014 06:07:40 am
Most of rap music PAYING fans are White. The problem is White people act like they are down for the culture and the people, coopting the most popular aspects of our culture, then when they caught up, they turn into "Oh, I'm this poor white person mistreated by Black people"... Like the "Barbie Bandits"
12/28/2014 06:07:16 am
@Omar, because she is called a Hip Hop artist that's why we should care. Hip Hop is black music,it was created by BLACK people so we have every right to be possessive when someone from the dominant society comes in and shits all over it for profit. The problem is black people in the past did not make that clear enough to other races and that's why we are dealing with this problem today. We really need to send a message to non blacks and strongly make them aware that they are a guess in OUR house and respect is not an option but mandatory in order for them to stay. If we continue to give Iggy a pass than its no longer their fault but ours for not giving a damn.The music will continue to deteriorate just like jazz,blues, and rock if we don't stop giving away our creativity to those who don't respect it.
Courtney H.
12/30/2014 12:38:02 am
@ MindMuscle:
12/28/2014 08:50:47 am
This whole Iggy Azalea thing is a result of us (black folks) not doing enough to take economic ownership of what we create. This has happened before, with jazz, blues, and rock and roll, and it is happening right now with hip hop.
12/28/2014 09:33:38 am
Sam Cooke was probably the first to not only realize that the money was in the publishing (owning your own songs), but to take ownership and start his own publishing company so he got paid for his work. It's kind of sad that more artists haven't followed suit, though more and more of them are more savvy about that side of the music business. Unfortunately, too many are still content with a record deal and the scraps the label throws them, and the pennies per-unit they get from record sales. Artists that don't own their publishing can only make money touring and through merchandising. I think most artists just want to perform, and don't want the responsibility of essentially starting and managing their own business, even if they ARE the business.
Courtney H.
12/30/2014 12:40:14 am
@ recordtwist:
1/1/2015 05:04:34 pm
im from kansas city and i can tell by the way dude from there was talking hes a bum ass nigga who does not work just calling up to front. very typical shit in these parts. and if your wondering why he was talking like a dummy theres a rapper around these parts that influences even the way these clowns talk smh
1/1/2015 05:19:40 pm
and nigga ti was paid way before iggy came into play. which one is it man? ti is at a point where him eating off iggy is not an exscuse whatso ever dude straight the hell up. further more ti is just promoting her, the big lables still get the most. they tried other things and it didnt work so they put her under grand hustles labor. like dame said ti is just the sweat promotion. ti is doing all that defending because he owe his white daddy favors. i promise man you talk a little soft on niggas who could possibly have a problem with you ijs. but nigga stop with that ti is eating off her nigga ti aint hurting. you said the same shit about dre head phones and then you turned around and suggested maybe dre should have held on to the brand. one day its about the money with you the next day its about the community you niggas aint shit but new age preachers.
Hors Sfir
1/1/2015 11:49:00 pm
I agree with most of what you said. Tariq does not have all of the answers. TI is just the front for white labels who want that holy grail, a successful white female rapper. White girls already own pop. Nikki Minaj set it up with the blonde weaves and bleached skin.
1/2/2015 01:26:46 am
Right but the irony is these niggas will turn around and co sign those coon rappers playing the white supremacy game and it needs to stop. Have a backbone guy. Another thing is i dont like how he played like he didnt know too much about the situation to begin with lol smh. this guys target audience is young adults up into about mid 30's how the hell you didnt know the details foreal? These niggas
Phaddi Snaxx
1/4/2015 04:49:34 am
TI been caught up in the Illuminati ever since he miraculously got of them weapons charges. He is their boy, everybody that was in that movie is theirs.
1/1/2015 05:10:56 pm
i personally wouldnt go on record saying i have a lot of respect for coon ti. that nigga confuses me sometimes having respect for coons but then will push the whole coon train thing. praising a nigga who aint all that respected out here anymore dont know where you been but no we dont all fuck wit ti snitch, captain ass.
1/1/2015 10:25:26 pm
You got the right name cause I didn't understand a damn thing you wrote. Who in the hell is "coon ti?"
Pay Attention!
1/2/2015 01:22:56 am
COON TI as in the coon rapper TI duh smh. And if you didnt not understand anything in the passage...well its a good thing your only one person smh
Hors Sfier
1/1/2015 11:23:16 pm
"coon ti!?!
1/2/2015 01:30:25 am
yes ti is a coon and if you have a problem with that...shits thats your problem.
1/2/2015 03:11:39 am
I'm sorry but I don't speak or write ebonics. They have to clarify things for me in plain English. My bad.
Hors Sfier
1/2/2015 03:59:18 am
Homie you completely misunderstood. I knew perfectly what "coon ti" meant. I thought it was a funny title and found the post hilarious.
Phaddi Snaxx
1/4/2015 04:52:22 am
I think he more than just a coon, he is a full-blown Illuminati mouthpiece. I think when they merked his friend, he was in on it as it was a blood sacrifice Leave a Reply. |
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