tariqelite70.mp3 |
In this episode, a caller admits that she was raised by a mother with the Negro Bed Wench mentality. ![]()
3/11/2015 11:50:27 am
Wow, this hits too close to home. It's unfortunate that some of us grew up in that kind of environment. However, it's even worst when you willingly remain suppressed and/or give up because the supremacist told you to with weak counterarguments. By-the-way, Scandal, and shows like it, suck!
Hors Sfier
3/11/2015 03:27:25 pm
Yeah, white people are trained to seek out help for mental issues.
3/12/2015 02:57:05 am
I agree with the majority of what you said, however, I think a strong melanin-male role model/guidance would be ideal.
Hors Sfier
3/12/2015 07:09:36 am
I get the substance of why you think she should be around say strong black men. But women with low self-esteem should avoid men because they are too susceptible to manipulation. They also get attached easily, sometimes to their detriment.
3/11/2015 12:04:14 pm
The fact you have callers speaking out about things like this is a good. Because most black people keep it bottled inside, because they think people don't care about their feelings.
Crim Sace
3/11/2015 12:40:59 pm
C'mon now, race ranting ad nauseam again. Low hanging fruit. How about a show on group economics, real estate, etc. Fuc the macking i get it. We need to step it up ok. Why are we/u still tripping of off of boot lickers, bed wenches, and hoodrats.
Phaddi Snaxx
3/11/2015 02:59:23 pm
"Crim Sace" sounds like one of those big dumb coons that want to gloss over black people's pain from racism. He sounds like this fat fool in the Oklahoma SAE frat expelled video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZyzzrI0dgw All this dummy cook can do is think about he has to look for a job now, so "it's disgusting, it's ridiculous"...
3/11/2015 11:54:51 pm
@Crime Sace race ranting?Tariq keep doing your THING brother.
Crim Sace
3/12/2015 08:27:00 am
Big dumb coon.. lol.. U so right Phaddi Snaxx..u guys kill me on this comment section. U can be real dismissive but i know any difference of opinion is only met with the following... 1) U a coon 2) U a troll... FUN-NY..
Phaddi Snaxx
3/12/2015 03:25:14 pm
But you want to believe that only your point of view matters, when if you don't like Tariq's podcast, don't listen! Or contact him yourself. His podcast titles are usually very descriptive. Me, I always want to hear what he has to say, even though I think I have heard him say it before.
Mr. Jon
3/12/2015 10:10:31 am
Interesting show. It's crazy how deep the mentality can go, were it not for the dominant society being who they are, I would imagine Negro Bed-Wench would be classified as a mental disorder.
Phaddi Snaxx
3/12/2015 03:31:11 pm
Them New York female callers be like that. Her phone was messed up also. I think she is a depressed fat chick with terrible social skills, because of her heritage (or lack thereof), she never fit in with either black or white, and had no alliances or coping methods. She may very well have been "on that narcotic" as well Plus her momma was a raggedy female that couldn't keep a man, so how would she know to satisfy herself? WOMEN NEED MEN, THEY NEED COMMUNICATION, THEY NEED SECURITY
Mr. Jon
3/13/2015 10:10:10 am
Usually there is an inverse correlation between a chick's looks and how great her personality is. I mean they need to have something. Ha!
3/15/2015 01:04:13 pm
I've never taken a drug in my fucking life, you piece of shit.
Phaddi Snaxx
3/17/2015 10:06:56 am
It is quite interesting Lisa, that the only thing you took issue (in that paragraph) with is my assumption of you using a narcotic
Phaddi Snaxx
3/17/2015 10:10:58 am
Mr Jon, in the LGBT community, being fat and unattractive is the kiss of death. In straight communities a fat and unattractive man can still pull dimes, if he has good game. Eventually in lesbian relationships, there is gonna be a need for a man
Hors Sfier
3/12/2015 10:23:38 pm
@Mr. Jon
3/13/2015 12:25:20 am
"Walking dead women," LOL!!!
Mr. Jon
3/13/2015 10:13:36 am
White Supremacy is no joke...
3/15/2015 01:10:08 pm
Please don't twist my words around. I never said "how do you interview well even if you are black". I said how do I impress the interviewer, since black people have a harder time getting jobs, or get their resumes rejected simply because their names sound black. Idiot
3/16/2015 12:36:10 am
btw that comment went to boomercunt....i mean boomergal
Hors Sfier
3/13/2015 12:39:08 am
@Crim Sace
Mr. Jon
3/13/2015 10:22:41 am
Addressing Paragraph 1: Agreed man! Black people are always assumed to be lying, exaggerating or dismissed. With social media and the prevalence of cameras everywhere, white supremacy is coming to light!!!
Mr. Jon
3/13/2015 10:26:33 am
*kook (why are those words pronounced differently?) -_-
3/14/2015 04:04:13 am
You are SO right, Mr. Jon! On every point!
3/14/2015 04:14:51 am
@ Mr Jon
Mr. Jon
3/15/2015 10:23:31 am
Crim Sace.. Im a troll.. im a coon train cabus... lol
3/13/2015 11:55:22 pm
If i could paraphrase the great Francis Cress Welsing from HC3. A black person can stand on the corner or preach from their bully pull pit podcast for that matter lol and scream to the high heavens about how much they hate white folks and white supremacy this and that, but we are not effecting white supremacy. They still set interest rates and/or get the loan.
3/14/2015 01:23:03 am
Ennis avery williams was nervous because Tariqnasheed tricked him by manipulating him that if he didn't apologize over THE phone and make a video apology. He has 4 felonies against him. That was a hoax . Tariqnasheed is a bully to bedwench and young brothers but wont challenge the Jews . Tariq is aafraid of the Jews
Meanmug Mac
3/14/2015 12:20:07 pm
When I was a black boy, black men never smiled at me. They always mean mugged me. Dude, I'm 9 years old, why do you look at me like you hate me? White people smiled at me at least. A smile goes a long way for kids.
Hors Sfier
3/15/2015 04:02:00 pm
3/16/2015 12:44:48 am
I did listen to my words and I was correct. My question was asking how do I get a fucking job if I'm black, since black people have a hard time getting jobs based on race, you stupid piece of shit.
Hors Sfier
3/16/2015 01:52:35 am
Do hoodrats know any insult toward a man other than faggot?
3/16/2015 03:30:39 am
Do faggots like you know any other insults besides ''hoodrat''. And once again, stop twisting my fucking words around. I never said I wasn't ''not black'', or ''not white''. Who the fuck are you to say what I can or can not claim. That's the one thing I hate about black folks like you, you want white supremacy to end, but you diss on people who don't look that much different than you, just because they're mixed with something.
Phaddi Snaxx
3/16/2015 10:54:19 am
@ lisa, you keep telling everyone to commit suicide, but you are most likely the one here who really feels they want to end it all. Like Tariq said on the show, you sounded defeated. You are definitely depressed... That's where this irrational anger you have is jumping out from. When I listened to your part of the show, I immediately formed a picture of you in my mind... the fat caucasian female NPC from GTA IV, that is always yelling "AH! I HATE men!" or "Clumsiness goes along with the weight" or "This is for all of the people that pushed me around!"
Phaddi Snaxx
3/16/2015 10:57:48 am
@ lisa, you traveled? Where? I would love to know where you went and what you saw/did, elaborate further please.
3/16/2015 04:39:26 pm
@phaddi - i lived in england for 6 months (had an apartment), and vacationed in toronto a couple of times. the second time in toronto it was for the film festival.
3/16/2015 04:45:10 pm
@phaddi - ''irrational anger'' you motherfuckers are the ones making nasty assumptions about my appearance and mental health. yeah i've been through shit, but i didn't let it defeat me. i don't have sex with strange men, i don't let them use me (especially if they are white). i don't hate men at all (i don't know where you got that from, your ass maybe?). you don't fucking know me. you assholes just made up the craziest scenieros out of 13 minute conversation. and i don't look white at all.
Phaddi Snaxx
3/16/2015 10:41:08 pm
Aha! So why do you even bother saying and "White" when discussing your ethnicity with Tariq... especially as Hispanic aint no race. I don't think you have sex with strange men, I am pretty sure you not having sex with ANY men, and this is the main part of your problem. Your life (women/female) is supposed to revolve around pleasing your significant other. This is why you have to compensate for your shortcomings in life with food to try completing yourself
Mr. Jon
3/17/2015 12:23:43 am
Wow, this thread is what we've become...
Coon Branson
3/17/2015 01:12:52 am
Don't Coons come up with the best ideas for holding black people back? Can't I pick up new ideas from the coon networks online?
3/18/2015 06:37:48 pm
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