tariqradio76.mp3 |
In this episode, Tariq talks about race soldiers posing as police officers.
Vince Karade
4/22/2015 10:00:51 pm
If you want to learn more about the devious workings behind the militarization of community police forces, check out HBO's documentary series "VICE"( season 3,episode 2). Actually devious is too weak a word,what's going on with the white supremacist police militarization agenda(which has been in the works for quote a while,slowly being built up right under our noses) is better classified as straight up nefarious and coldly calculated.
4/22/2015 10:23:28 pm
Social Security Cards
Kylon Gresham
4/27/2015 02:49:57 am
Wow. I'm going to have to look into this. Very interesting.
Questions about the Weaponization of Beauty
4/22/2015 10:33:38 pm
How do cultures around the world weaponize beauty? How can we use black beauty more effectively as a weapon to meet our agenda? Does someone else control our weapon?
4/22/2015 11:36:06 pm
Quan Dubois
4/23/2015 05:15:01 pm
I agree with everything the sheriff said. White boy right, Black Americans are not Africans Blacks only make 13% of population thats all facts. One thing i like about southern white they keep it funky. The senator of alabama even said blacks are aboriginals to america
4/24/2015 07:45:09 am
Hebrew Israelites and white supremacists share a little too much in ideology.
No Longer Guilty
4/27/2015 03:02:15 am
I used to have a tremendous amount of white guilt until I started to actually going to football games. When I see those black players out on the field, it makes me realize there's a place for them in this world.
4/27/2015 12:40:21 pm
What does black football players have to do with global white supremacy.black men fought in every war in this country and guess how they were rewarded by lynchings especially in the south so you can jump ship with that black complaining bullshit.
Tariq Nasheed
4/27/2015 08:24:02 am
Hey guys im 40 years old and im just swindling blacks outta MONEY
Hors Sfier
4/28/2015 12:07:43 am
No Longer Guilty
4/28/2015 03:34:29 am
You're full of shit. So who's fault is it that black entertainers spend money outside of the black community?! Blame the white man again huh?! One of my nigger friends told me that the police force has been planning to stir the Baltimore pot. That you guys are playing right into our hands. Total bullshit. White people aren't putting pressure on the community in order to enact "marshall law" or to receive any international "tail winds" from this situation. TOTAL BS!!
No Longer Guilty
4/28/2015 05:34:43 am
Look, we are just upset because you blacks don't know how to police your own. Simply said.
Hors Sfier
4/28/2015 10:51:14 am
Black people are getting a rude awakening from their white "friends" this week. I don't have any white friends. And am happier as a result. The stuff coming across my Facebook feed from white liberals and whites with black "friends" is hilarious.
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