tariq_radio_83.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq talks about sundown towns such as McKinney Texas and others. This show was recorded live in Hawaii.
6/10/2015 09:10:26 pm
I predict the names Hors Sfier and Phaddi Snaxx will show up in the comments section
Phaddi Snaxx
6/10/2015 11:13:07 pm
Good prediction!
Hors Sfier
6/11/2015 12:03:11 am
The podcast is about the seriousness of sundown towns. Yet the first post is from a...groupie? Smh.
6/11/2015 05:02:02 am
Someone is taking herself a little too seriously. If I'm a groupie, you must be a diva. Don't mind me, carry on ..
R8sing A Nation
6/11/2015 01:01:44 am
Great show!
Hors Sfier
6/11/2015 03:43:21 am
Great post. I purposely bought a place with no HOA. That is what black people need to understand. Black people are on the run everywhere because we own so little. They keep us under siege in the cities with the prison industry. We run to the suburbs and have the constant threat of cops coming for us.
Phaddi Snaxx
6/16/2015 10:52:58 pm
I am enjoying all of this info, thanks for posting! Since you know about the Bay, do you think Zaza Ali is an undercover snitch? It looks to me like she is. And have you listened to Tariq's show, "The Economy in Street Terms"? What did you think of it?
R8sing A Nation
6/17/2015 07:07:10 am
@Phaddi Snaxx
Daniel Menzies
6/11/2015 04:28:38 am
It's interesting that the woman who started the fight works for bank of America. Last year the TV show American Greed did a show about a white con artist who used bank of America to rip off black lottery winner Abraham Shakespeare for $3 million dollars. They didn't comment much on her either, even after she killed him.
Hors Sfier
6/11/2015 05:43:33 am
Capital One and Wells Fargo both settled mortgage discrimination class action lawsuits within the past 5 years. People keep acting like the racism disappeared or that we talk about white supremacy too much. Black people pay a tax on top of a tax.
6/11/2015 06:28:44 am
Not surprised that Tommy Sotomayor supports the cops.
R8sing A Nation
6/11/2015 06:47:20 am
@ Hors Sfier
6/11/2015 09:29:54 am
What it really comes down to is for black/melanoid people to separate and stop wanting to be around those who hate our guts for basically the shit they started with us in the past. I personally have no wish to live around caucasian,asian etc. Unfortunately, i reside in new york city aka "the rotten apple" where there are not many black/melanoid neighborhoods like it used to be when i grew up in the 1970's thru the 1990's. This gentrification nonsense has fucked us up big time up here. Once again,though, most blacks don't see the shit that is on the horizon. Eventually, most will be pushed out because of rising rents and property values all because of those smiling,2 faced pale and other groups of species who have so much disdain for us. The majority of us had better wake the fuck up and smell the bullshit1
6/11/2015 09:39:49 am
One more thing: that dirty swine cop had some sexual deviance going on with him to. I read that about 7 or 8 years ago,on a traffic stop, he and his partner stopped a brother down there. He then proceeded to pull dudes pants down to rub his balls to "check for contraband". Yeah,right! Now with him staddling this young teenager, he had his ultimate wish in being on top of a black/melanoid sister. These pale males are extremely perverted and more than people would think. His sexual fantasy was fufilled! That savage thug!
6/11/2015 09:43:18 am
It is interesting how the white teen couple who went on a crime spree in Pennsylvania and Ohio recently were romanticized as the "new Bonnie & Clyde". There was another young white couple who did the same last year who were afforded the same "Bonnie & Clyde". They are viewed as cute darlings when they are actually THUGS. They were treated with kid gloves when arrested. I'm sure the young white girls didn't have a cop on top of her with his knee in their backs.
R8sing A Nation
6/11/2015 10:07:54 am
@ Cali
R8sing A Nation
6/11/2015 10:36:45 am
Is anybody watching the news ??? I just can't with how predictable these situations play out.
Hors Sfier
6/11/2015 01:11:33 pm
Blacks in America are a programmed race. White people know all the cues to.get us in a position of submission.
Mr. Jon
6/12/2015 06:53:27 am
What would they ask? Curious.
Hors Sfier
6/12/2015 09:40:48 am
@Mr. Jon
Mr. Jon
6/13/2015 04:43:14 am
@Hors, thanks.
Hors Sfier
6/13/2015 05:15:45 am
@Mr. Jon
6/11/2015 03:10:43 pm
Actually, all Dandridge did was stick her toes in the pool, just for spite. Just because her toes touched the water, they drained and scrubbed out the pool. My father was born and raised in Charleston, S.C. One of my aunts showed me a hotel on King Street down there, and they weren't allowed to walk on the sidewalk in front of the hotel. If a Black's feet touched the pavement, they'd come out with a hose and wash the sidewalk down.
6/12/2015 01:26:18 pm
I just came to stalk the comment section
6/13/2015 07:27:41 am
Me too. I'm white but I don't care. This stuff is interesting. My black friends told me most people are social climbers and that they are only loyal to their race because it's convenient. It kind of makes sense. Give me enough money or status, then idgf about white people anymore. Most people are more fickle than you think. My friend is right. hmmm
Hors Sfier
6/13/2015 12:11:33 pm
Nah. Racism is a white man's religion. Middle to upper income white people are just as racist. Certain white people will take a financial hit before lifting their feet off a black's neck. Look at Donald Sterling. White people practice racism for pathological, psychotic and sociopathic reasons. Because they can with no penalty in simplest terms.
We the people
6/14/2015 12:28:56 am
You are correct, It's a religion. Sometimes a person's religion can be a big red flag of irrational behavior. So their behavior is irrational in many ways. Don't expect rationality from them. Another poster on this website said,
6/14/2015 05:25:52 am
Dr. John Henry Clarke suggests that we have no allies; we have no friends. History confirms this sentiment.
Hors Sfier
6/14/2015 08:55:24 am
6/16/2015 05:21:01 am
As a data analyst, I noticed information for african-americans is very visible and the most visible online because they are less security savvy. Therefore, we really are incentivized to study african american buying habits. We are getting pretty good at it. Let this serve as a warning as well...protect your data!
R8sing A Nation
6/16/2015 07:45:03 am
I recommend a book tittled "Dragnet Nation" as a good tell all about what @ Anonymous is speaking to.
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