tariqradio91.mp3 |
In this episode Tariq plays a clip from a white supremacist who confesses to racism
8/5/2015 12:38:10 pm
You the man KingFlex! This is another funny & great episode. Real talk!
8/5/2015 03:22:09 pm
As far as what Farrahkan said, we have a wealth of military training and tactics of former Black Infantryman that could get those of you who have never been in the Army or Marines. If you aren't arming yourselves with AR-15s, AK-47/74s, Reminington 700s etc, you will lose before the the bullets start flying.
Hors Sfier
8/5/2015 11:48:56 pm
I used to work with a bunch of white guys who were into guns and hunting. They would leave magazines in the common room on offensive and defensive tactics. Firearms. Hand-to-hand combat. Survival gear etc. Meanwhile, black people are focused on Meek and Drake.
1/1/2017 11:39:42 am
The biggest weakness of a pacifist approach is that it only works on people who have a moral conscience. Pacifism is an appeal to a higher morality; dedicated racist white folks have no moral conscience that encompasses humanity as a connected concept. Racists today have learned from what they would consider the "mistakes" of their predecessors, i.e. morality, ethics, basic humanity are weaknesses that led their predecessors to making all those disastrous concessions such as abolition, desegregation, affirmative-action, etc. And yes, black folks need to pay more attention to their constitutional rights and teaching their kids to be strong, not weak, morally bankrupt, undisciplined versions of black folks that the white racist plantation owners invented. There is a huge difference between a black man and a nigger just as Malcolm X said so long ago: a black man creates his own destiny & owns it; a nigger is just something created out of white racist fantasy. Niggers are the ones who do the racist white mans work for him, for free.
Taiyon Demyers
8/5/2015 04:15:00 pm
Tariq please get a call screener. PLEASE!!!
Hors Sfier
8/5/2015 11:41:02 pm
Yeah. Tariq is 100% free to do his show the way he wants but those calls are painful. I knew black men were in trouble but when Tariq is dropping knowledge and some man calls up babbling incoherently, it hurts my heart. You would think that people would learn by now to make a relevant Question and then get off the phone. The guy with the makeup question was a tragedy.
8/6/2015 03:24:03 am
It comes from the "education" many of us receive in the inner city by teachers who don't want to be there. I'm not saying we don't share in the responsibility, but a lot of our brothers and sisters don't have parents who are educated themselves or otherwise involved in their children's learning.
Hors Sfier
8/6/2015 03:23:00 pm
Yeah, I went to church as a kid. One day in Sunday School, the teacher asked some of the older kids to read a passage from the book of whatever. It took a minute for her to find someone to read that passage to completion. Even at that age, I was thinking WTF just happened. It was clear none of them were faking. They really could not read that well.
8/7/2015 03:26:34 am
Thanks for your Sunday School story. That's heartbreaking. I've seen something similar myself and it hurts. You're right that the brother is in for a hard time, that no one is going to wait for him to explain himself. A doctor once told me that people without an education have to be twice as smart to get by as those who have an education.
8/7/2015 11:31:01 am
This whole phone call thing is baffling to me. I wish I had an explanation, but the phone calls were so bad last episode it made my head hurt.
HorS Sfier
8/7/2015 10:58:44 pm
8/6/2015 02:30:07 am
I'm looking into getting handgun training right now. I do some security work, so I'm approaching it from that perspective. I've asked brothers that are former law enforcement for recommendations regarding instructors/schools, and I'm moving forward. They take advantage of laws that allow for ownership, so we should too.
8/6/2015 10:10:34 am
This was a good show. What that euro/german male was saying was very true. Hell,i do think many times that those "people"are from another planet at times lol.but we should take heed and understand that those "people" do not have our best interests at hand. Never really did. I have come to understand this over 30 years ago as a teenager back in the 1980's. Unfortunately,too,too,too many of us a black/african/melanoid people want to be accepted and "loved" by those 2 faced creeps. I don't. I will deal with as they deal with me on any occasian i have to see them,whether at my job/plantation and/or off it. No trying to make them feel comfortable if they make me uncomfortable. Also,armed training for us is a necessity now. I am going to a friend who happens to be in a supervisory position in law enforcement to take me to the range soon to show me how it is really done. This shit is real out here!
daxter e.clark
8/6/2015 09:59:32 am
8/6/2015 12:09:43 pm
Yo, your white boy wanted a taste huh?!?!?!?! Dude was super excited!!! lol!!!!!
Hors Sfier
8/9/2015 10:53:51 am
Yeah, that white boy went right for it. He sounded like he was ready to rock Tariq's world. That's why Tariq had to rush him off the phone. White boy was about to kick those nasty thoughts. LMAO. Tariq almost got caught slipping.
8/7/2015 06:47:02 am
Tariq your an asshole no chill. The brother wanted know how u can tell if a women really looks good r is it just the makeup. He didnt want to meet a women and be stuck with a booger wolf after. U tell ppl to call so u can put them and look like a boss. But look like hoe now. Fugazi ass radio host.
Mr. Jon
8/8/2015 08:35:43 am
I know right? He seems to hate taking calls, but likes taking calls at the same time.
8/7/2015 03:17:42 pm
That German sounded mentally unstable.
Mr. Jon
8/8/2015 08:39:33 am
Yea, I was also surprised that Tariq played a kook like him. I think he likes to play clips of white people who say the same things he says, because it's like "told ya so".
Mr. Jon
8/8/2015 08:31:51 am
What? The gay flag looks nothing like the black flag... I think that one's kinda reaching bro. Anymore than the Mexican Flag copied the Italian flag.
Phaddi Snaxx
8/12/2015 09:52:30 pm
Listening to Tariq, Umar Johnson, etc is like when I am on a vacation taking pictures. I will take a picture of something off in the distance thinking I won't get any closer... but even if I walk in the opposite direction I will end up right next to the building I was trying to get closer for a clearer shot. The white supremacist sounds like a dumbas, but don't forget that the Illuminati was created by Adam Weishapt. And 50% of the sht he was saying is true, the thing is BLACK PEOPLE ARE THE DESCENDANTS OF ALIENS, check Phil Valentine's videos.
8/10/2015 12:11:12 pm
Can anyone give me a list of great books on group economics. How do we create flourishing communities through group economics?
Hors Sfier
8/11/2015 12:15:30 am
Check out the works of Dr. Claude Anderson, specifically Powernomics. His other work is Black Labor, White Wealth.
8/11/2015 05:25:20 am
Thanks! I appreciate the information.
8/11/2015 10:18:28 pm
Just look up Dr. Amos Wilson on YouTube and Amazon. No one is touching that dude.
8/11/2015 10:24:18 pm
For those who think the German guy was a kook, find a way to view the modern version of Battlestar Galactica in it's entirety. Furthermore, why is it so farfetched that another group of humanoids in a universe that contains billions of galaxies have not seeded this planet with their own DNA. Our ancestors from thousands and even millions of years ago clearly depict interfacing with these "beings." It is the description of these beings that are hidden by the so-called New Age agenda.
Agent Supreme
8/13/2015 11:20:51 am
Simon petit
12/18/2015 09:48:24 am
By far one of the worst shows I've heard Tariq do from a fielding calls from listener standpoint. Tariq has always encourage people to call in but your quick to clown your listeners at the drop of a dime but these same listeners are the ones who've help fund good percentage if not all of these Hidden Color films.
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